On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 12:19 AM, Kris Jordan
<nut...@sagebrushnetworks.com> wrote:
> Charles Lepple wrote, On 2/19/2013 6:35 PM:
>> On Feb 19, 2013, at 3:07 PM, Marcelo Roccasalva wrote:
>>> Bus 004 Device 002: ID 10af:0008 Liebert Corp. PowerSure Interactive UPS
>> Not sure if you tried this yet, but what if you set productid=0008 in 
>> ups.conf? You will also need to temporarily start the driver with "-u root" 
>> or add this vendor/product ID pair to the udev file (sorry, not sure where 
>> that lives on CentOS) since that isn't one of the known USB Product IDs.
> /etc/udev/rules.d
> Centos5 will require syntax alternations, if using 52-nut-usbups.rules from 
> NUT 2.6.5.

I'm not sure what the udev rule is trying to achieve but I installed
the following rule:

ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="10af",
ATTR{idProduct}=="0008", MODE="664", GROUP="dialout"

to get the following device:

crw-rw-r--. 1 root dialout 189, 385 Feb 20 14:27 /dev/bus/usb/004/002

I edited /etc/ups/ups.conf:


# usbhid-ups -a liebert -DD
Network UPS Tools - Generic HID driver 0.37 (2.6.5)
USB communication driver 0.31
   0.000000 debug level is '2'
   0.001512 upsdrv_initups...
   0.211700 Checking device (1D6B/0001) (008/001)
   0.211740 - VendorID: 1d6b
   0.211748 - ProductID: 0001
   0.211754 - Manufacturer: unknown
   0.211760 - Product: unknown
   0.211765 - Serial Number: unknown
   0.211771 - Bus: 008
   0.211777 Trying to match device
   0.211798 Device does not match - skipping
   0.211809 Checking device (1D6B/0001) (007/001)
   0.211831 - VendorID: 1d6b
   0.211838 - ProductID: 0001
   0.211844 - Manufacturer: unknown
   0.211850 - Product: unknown
   0.211856 - Serial Number: unknown
   0.211861 - Bus: 007
   0.211867 Trying to match device
   0.211874 Device does not match - skipping
   0.211882 Checking device (0000/0000) (006/002)
   0.211904 - VendorID: 0000
   0.211911 - ProductID: 0000
   0.211917 - Manufacturer: unknown
   0.211923 - Product: unknown
   0.211929 - Serial Number: unknown
   0.211934 - Bus: 006
   0.211940 Trying to match device
   0.211947 Device does not match - skipping
   0.211955 Checking device (1D6B/0001) (006/001)
   0.211976 - VendorID: 1d6b
   0.211983 - ProductID: 0001
   0.211989 - Manufacturer: unknown
   0.211995 - Product: unknown
   0.212000 - Serial Number: unknown
   0.212006 - Bus: 006
   0.212012 Trying to match device
   0.212018 Device does not match - skipping
   0.212027 Checking device (1D6B/0001) (005/001)
   0.212047 - VendorID: 1d6b
   0.212054 - ProductID: 0001
   0.212060 - Manufacturer: unknown
   0.212066 - Product: unknown
   0.212072 - Serial Number: unknown
   0.212078 - Bus: 005
   0.212083 Trying to match device
   0.212090 Device does not match - skipping
   0.212098 Checking device (10AF/0008) (004/002)
   0.215980 - VendorID: 10af
   0.215993 - ProductID: 0008
   0.215999 - Manufacturer: unknown
   0.216006 - Product: unknown
   0.216012 - Serial Number: unknown
   0.216018 - Bus: 004
   0.216023 Trying to match device
   0.216068 Device matches
   0.217972 Unable to get HID descriptor (error sending control
message: Protocol error)
   0.217986 HID descriptor length 260
   0.218978 Unable to get Report descriptor: Protocol error
   0.219015 Checking device (1D6B/0001) (004/001)
   0.219052 - VendorID: 1d6b
   0.219059 - ProductID: 0001
   0.219065 - Manufacturer: unknown
   0.219071 - Product: unknown
   0.219077 - Serial Number: unknown
   0.219083 - Bus: 004
   0.219089 Trying to match device
   0.219099 Device does not match - skipping
   0.219109 Checking device (1D6B/0001) (003/001)
   0.219132 - VendorID: 1d6b
   0.219139 - ProductID: 0001
   0.219145 - Manufacturer: unknown
   0.219151 - Product: unknown
   0.219157 - Serial Number: unknown
   0.219163 - Bus: 003
   0.219168 Trying to match device
   0.219175 Device does not match - skipping
   0.219185 Checking device (1D6B/0002) (002/001)
   0.219207 - VendorID: 1d6b
   0.219214 - ProductID: 0002
   0.219220 - Manufacturer: unknown
   0.219226 - Product: unknown
   0.219232 - Serial Number: unknown
   0.219238 - Bus: 002
   0.219244 Trying to match device
   0.219250 Device does not match - skipping
   0.219259 Checking device (1D6B/0002) (001/001)
   0.219282 - VendorID: 1d6b
   0.219289 - ProductID: 0002
   0.219295 - Manufacturer: unknown
   0.219301 - Product: unknown
   0.219307 - Serial Number: unknown
   0.219313 - Bus: 001
   0.219318 Trying to match device
   0.219325 Device does not match - skipping
   0.219333 No appropriate HID device found
   0.219342 No matching HID UPS found

Most of the time, I don't know what I'm doing, so any insight would be


"¿No será acaso que esta vida moderna está teniendo más de moderna que de
vida?" (Mafalda)

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