I have a Best Ferrups 3.1KVA and I noticed that the percent battery voltage 
reported from upsc never gets above 69.9%.  I believe there is a mistake in the 
driver.  The battery percentage is calculated based on the High Battery Alarm 
Setpoint (59.6V) instead of the Ideal Voltage which is about 54V (4 batteries x 
13.6V).  I examined the source code and found that the variable fc.fullvolts is 
the result of querying parameter 67 from the UPS.  This parameter is defined 
per Ferrups Tip 503 as: "The battery voltage at which the UPS sound a High 
Battery alarm"  A better value to use in determining the percent battery 
voltage would be fc.idealbvolts which is calculated in the driver source...  

I propose the following patch to fix the battery.charge (% battery full) 

--- bestfcom.c.orig     2012-07-31 12:38:59.000000000 -0500
+++ bestfcom.c  2013-05-11 09:39:52.155279710 -0500
@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@
                /* Compute battery percent left based on battery voltages. */
                battpercent = ((vbatt - fc.emptyvolts) 
-                                          / (fc.fullvolts - fc.emptyvolts) * 
+                                          / (fc.idealbvolts - fc.emptyvolts) * 
                if (battpercent < 0.0) 
                        battpercent = 0.0;
                else if (battpercent > 100.0)

The patch is based on version 2.6.5

Thanks for your consideration.  I know this is an old UPS (1995) but it still 
works and I'd like to keep using it :)

Bo Kersey
VirCIO - managed network solutions
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