On Oct 1, 2013, at 11:58 PM, David N Melik wrote:

> I followed the NUT instructions that are on the projects site, I think,

^ The official NUT site? Feel free to post the URL.

> and they said to set up USBD, so I did. Is that necessary for average
> users using one PC (rather than servers), or will something not work
> right if I reread and turn off USBD?

I think Alexander explained upsd well, but here's some additional history and 

Question 10, Answer 2 of the FAQ <http://www.networkupstools.org/docs/FAQ.html> 
points out that it is possible to customize the NUT code, and combine upsmon 
and upsd into a single daemon that talks to a driver. The disadvantage is that 
you wouldn't be able to connect more than one client at a time, so debugging 
the driver with upsc would no longer be possible.

Arnaud also experimented with writing a freedesktop.org HAL version of the 
usbhid-ups driver. This was more suited to a single PC, and worked much like 
the laptop battery power monitors, but HAL is deprecated now. We could 
certainly use more help in this area - I think a lot of the people who have 
contributed to NUT over the years have needed more of the "data center" 

What are you trying to optimize?

Charles Lepple

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