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On Nov 28, 2013, at 4:10 PM, Danijel Šili wrote:

> Since the provided drivers come with absolutely no installation instructions, 
> I turned to NUT. 
> The compatibility list says "blazer_usb" should be used for PowerWalker's 
> devices, so that's what I put in my conf:
> [pwvi]
>         driver = blazer_usb
>         port = auto
>         desc = "PowerWalker VI 1500 LCD"

The configuration file looks good.

> Since I use Ubuntu Server 13.10 so I installed nut from apt.

What is the exact NUT package version (including the Ubuntu-specific version 

> The product information PDF for the device in quesetion is 
> http://www.powerwalker.com/datasheet/Line-Interactive/PowerWalker%20VI%201500%20LCD.pdf
> $ lsusb
> Bus 004 Device 006: ID 0665:5161 Cypress Semiconductor USB to Serial

^ This is most likely your UPS. 

Josu Lazkano just emailed this list last month with a similar problem (NUT 
2.6.4 on Debian):


There should be an entry in /lib/udev/rules.d/52-nut-usbups.rules for 
0665:5161, but apparently the one in the Debian 2.6.4 package wasn't working:

ATTR{idVendor}=="0665", ATTR{idProduct}=="5161", MODE="664", GROUP="nut"

Josu said that creating this udev rule solves the issue:

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0665", ATTRS{idProduct}=="5161", GROUP="nut"

But given the additional "goto" statements in the NUT udev file, those should 
be equivalent.

What version of udev and the Linux kernel do you have on your system?

Charles Lepple

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