At the company I work for, we are using many TrippLite OMNI900LCD UPSs and
are having difficulty setting the lower transfer threshold voltage. On our
other model, the Eaton MGE-3S550, this can be set using upsrw to set the
input.transfer.lowsetting, but on the Omni900, this option is not
available. In our testing, it defaults to ~95v but we want to set it to 84v.

More info:
- OS = OpenSuse 13.1
- Nut = nut-2.6.5-6.1.5.x86_64 (installed package from repo)
- Driver = usbhid-ups
- UPS = TrippLite OMNI900LCD

Are there other ways to set this value, or other drivers to try? We would
like to avoid writing a middleware layer to support this feature.

Thanks much,
 Todd Bernhard

*Software Engineer*
*MinuteKey, Inc*
Nut-upsuser mailing list

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