On Tue, Jul 1, 2014 at 6:52 PM, Steve Ballantyne
<steve.ballant...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Lots of good progress here! I tried to enable a few more commands for
>> your model. For instance, the "M" values seem to be min/max voltage,
>> so there is a "reset.input.minmax" command to use with upscmd.  Also,
>> you can trigger a battery test with "test.battery.start". I assume the
>> work the same way as on Protocol 3003 :-)
>> The attached patch is meant to be applied on top of the previous
>> patch. If it's easier, I can diff it against Git master.
> Hello Charles,
> Thanks for the patch!  It went down cleanly.  I then did: make clean,
> make, and make install.  Everything went fine.  But I'm not able to
> access those additional commands ...
> pi@raspberrypi ~/nut $ /usr/local/ups/bin/upscmd -u pi -p pi
> SMART500RT1U@localhost reset.input.minmax
> Unexpected response from upsd: ERR CMD-NOT-SUPPORTED

I forgot to mention stopping the driver before the "make install".
Check driver.version.internal - it should be 0.25 now.

If not, we'll need the debug log to figure out why it isn't passing
the is_smart_protocol() test.

- Charles

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