openSUSE 13.1
 installed via zypper (zypper install nut-classic) nut 2.6.?
 I'm attempting to go through the installation and configuration process on a
 new system (openSUSE 13.1 in this case), so I'm following the web page
 docs, but I'm seeing discrepencies:
 1) After installing from packages, the configuration sections says that the
 ups.conf file is in /usr/local/ups/etc/, but it's actually in /etc/ups.
 2) The "Starting the driver" section says to start the driver at
 /usr/local/ups/sbin/upsdrvctl , but it's actually located at 
 3) Under Installation Instructions, under "State path creation", it says to
 create the directories and make them owned by the user you created.  It
 shows "chown root:nut /var/state/ups", but shouldn't it be "chown ups:nut
 /var/state/ups"  (I know any user/group can be used, but ups:nut is what the
 example had been using so far).
 Just thought I would mention them.  If those paths are distro/package
 dependent, then that is ok, but it'd be nice of the docs said that.  I know
 elsewhere they do (when talking about installing from source).
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