On Nov 5, 2014, at 1:57 PM, Anders Herbjørnsen <anders.herbjorn...@gmail.com> 

> I'm running Ubuntu 14.04.1 with nut 2.7.1-1ubuntu1, using a Powerwalker/INNO 
> TECH ups.
> It used to working fine, but lately blazer_usb just executes a few commands 
> and then terminates with a "Got disconnected by another driver" message.
> Any suggestions? 

When you say it used to be working fine, what changed since then?

Also, check for other processes which might try to open the UPS device nodes. 
You might have Upower running, or something else which is scanning for HID 
devices. If you tried another NUT driver, such as nutdrv_qx (which is scheduled 
to replace blazer_usb at some point in the future), you will need to make sure 
that is stopped.

I am in the middle of a serial UPS test on my Debian box at the moment, so I 
can't confirm that this will show up, but I think that you might be able to run 
"lsof -n" as root, and grep for "usb" or "hid".

Charles Lepple

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