On May 22, 2015, at 2:34 PM, Humberto Möckel <hamber...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello, after some time monitoring my installation to see how its working, I 
> found that some ramdom times, like one or two days in a week, the driver 
> fails to start and upsmon keeps registering a "data stale" error on Windows' 
> event log.

The upsmon "data stale" error is a symptom of the driver not starting. Is there 
any other information in the event log about why the driver did not start?

Also, when you say "one or two days in a week", is the driver failing during 
that time, or is the computer restarted that often?

> I've set the NUT service to "delayed start" to see if it was a driver 
> conflict on the system start rush, but it keeps doing it anyways.
> ¿How can I know what's happening? ¿Can I, in some way, config NUT to shutdown 
> the daemon and driver and restart them when data stales?
> Windows 8
> Using last port of NUT for Windows

None of our releases are labeled "last port" :-) What is the version number?

Also, if you have a Linux system that can talk to the UPS, that is probably a 
more reliable solution. At the very least, it is easier to get debugging 
information out of the driver.

> Generic Megatec protocol UPS over USB (USB-to-Serial converter built in)
> Blazer USB driver

As mentioned earlier, the blazer driver has been replaced with the nutdrv_qx 
driver, but as you may have seen, that is not in the Windows port of NUT yet. 
If you know of any Windows (mingw) developers who are interested, we would 
appreciate their help.

Charles Lepple

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