On Aug 14, 2015, at 8:53 AM, Bob Brown <bbr...@harpercollege.edu> wrote:
> I see this in syslog:
> Aug 12 03:57:22 orion upsd[18274]: Data for UPS [a102-apc-10] is stale - 
> check driver

I don't have a SNMP UPS to test with, and this might be different for NUT 
2.4.1, but the current defaults seem to make stale data more likely in your 

In http://www.networkupstools.org/docs/man/snmp-ups.html#_extra_arguments the 
default for "pollfreq" is 30 seconds, and in 
http://www.networkupstools.org/docs/man/upsd.conf.html the "MAXAGE" default is 
15 seconds. So you might want to either increase MAXAGE, or decrease pollfreq.

I would recommend making MAXAGE at least pollfreq (possibly 1.5x larger), 
because decreasing pollfreq might run up against the amount of time that it 
takes to poll all of the SNMP variables from the UPS. There are some retries 
and timeouts in snmp-ups which make this difficult to guess without seeing the 
debug logs. You might check the list archives to see if anyone has suggestions 
on what pollfreq and MAXAGE values worked for them.

> (one for each UPS).
> Then I see a bunch of messages like this:
> Aug 12 03:58:02 orion upsd[18274]: write() failed for ::1: Broken pipe

This just means that the client (upslog, probably) disconnected before upsd 
expected the session to end. The upsd-to-driver connection is a Unix-domain 
socket (and the driver-to-UPS connection is UDP).

> Aug 12 03:58:02 orion snmpd[2872]: Connection from UDP: []:50940

Might be unrelated, unless I misunderstood your NUT setup (upslog -> upsd -> 
snmp-ups -> UPS). The snmpd daemon and the UPS comms card are SNMP servers 
("agents" in SNMP parlance, IIRC), and snmp-ups is a SNMP client.

Charles Lepple

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