On Fri, 13 May 2016, Kamran Khan wrote:

I have a TrippLite SMART2200RM2UN UPS.  I have installed and configured NUT as instructed on the website, and am able to monitor the status of the UPS without much problem.  The only problem I am seeing is that I cannot get the machine to actually send a Low Battery ( LB ) signal.  

When I run "upsc myups@localhost", the "battery.charge.low" is "10".  My current "battery.charge" is "6".  However, when I type "upsc myups@localhost ups.status", it only shows OB and DISCHRG, not LB.

If I understand the NUT process correctly, it looks for this LB status in order to create the POWERDOWNFLAG.  "In upsmon.conf, add a POWERDOWNFLAG directive with a filename. upsmon will create this file when the UPS needs to be powered off during a power failure when low battery is reached."

What does command

sudo grep -v -E "#.*$|^[[:space:]]*$" /etc/ups/upsmon.conf


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