On 06/24/2017 12:50 AM, Ambrogio Coletti wrote:

I am trying to install the NUT on CentOS 6 (2.6.32-696.3.1.el6.x86_64).

First I installed it using:
yum install epel-release --enablerepo=extras
yum install nut

And when I run it by:
sbin/upsdrvctl start
(that's where it installed it using the package)

I had the following message:
"This TrippLite device (09ae:1330) is not (or perhaps not yet) supported by usbhid-ups. [...]" but my device (SU2200RTXLCD2U) is supported, as clearly state here <http://networkupstools.org/stable-hcl.html>.

Then I thought I needed the last src code (2.7.4), hence I built it for my machine, but when I run it by:
/usr/local/ups/sbin/upsdrvctl start

I had, in order, this message
"writepid: fopen /var/state/ups/usbhid-ups-trippliteups.pid: Permission denied"
the permissions used by the driver are not those set on the directory where it tries to write
for testing purposes you could try to run it as root
in order to avoid conflicts, if you did not already do that, please also remove the package installed from EPEL prior to testing.

and...the same message above about the not supported device!

What's wrong in there?

the fact that on a package-managed distribution you are using self-compiled applications, without using the correct settings at compile time :). If you are not willing to use the packages I provide, at least take inspiration from the spec file included in https://wolfy.fedorapeople.org/nut/nut-2.7.4-4.el6.wolfy.1.src.rpm ( the %build and %install sections ). Although you'd better rebuild that src.rpm if you are afraid to use the binaries directly.
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