Hi all,

The time needed to do a generate and an updatedb depends linearly on the size of the CrawlDb. Our CrawlDb currently contains about 1.5 billion urls (some fetched, but most of them unfetched). We are using Nutch 0.9 on a 15-node cluster. These are the times needed for these jobs:

generate:    8-10 hours
updatedb:   8-10 hours

Our fetch job takes about 30 hours, in which we fetch and parse about 8 million docs (limited by our current bandwidth).
So, we spent about 40% of our time on CrawlDb administration.

The first problem for us was that we didn't make the best use of our bandwidth (40% of the time no fetching). We solved this by designing a system which looks a bit like the FetchCycleOverlap (http://wiki.apache.org/nutch/FetchCycleOverlap) recently suggested by Otis.

Another problem is that as the CrawlDb grows, the admin time increases. One way to solve this is by increasing the topN each time so the ratio between admin jobs and the fetch job remains constant. However, we will end up with extreme long cycles and large segments. Some of this we solved by generating multiple segments in one generate job and only perform an updatedb when (almost) all of these segments are fetched.

But still. The number of urls we select (generate), and the number of urls we update (updatedb) is very small compared to the size of the CrawlDb. We were wondering if there is a way such that we don't need to read in the whole CrawlDb each time. How about putting the CrawlDb in HBase? Sorting (generate) might become a problem then...
Is this issue addressed in the Nutch2Architecture?

I'm happily willing to spend some more time on this, so all ideas are welcome.

Mathijs Homminga

Helperpark 290 C
9723 ZA Groningen
The Netherlands
+31 (0)50 2103567

+31 (0)6 15312977

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