Hi all,

Nutch is a great project and a growing niche.  As it becomes even more
popular, there will be increasing demand for experts in the field.

I am compiling a contact list of Nutch experts who may be interested
in opportunities under the right circumstances.  I am not a recruiter
- I'm a regular developer who sometimes gets asked for referrals when
I'm not personally available.

If you'd like to be on my shortlist of go-to experts, please contact
me off-list at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please be prepared to show your expertise by any of the following:
 * Committer status or patches accepted
 * Commit access to another open source project which uses Nutch
 * Bugs reported which were either resolved or are still open (real bugs)
 * Links to sites you have developed which use Nutch
 * Articles / blog entries written about Nutch concepts or development
 * Speaking engagements or user groups at which you've presented
 * Significant contributions to documentation
 * Other? (I'm sure I didn't think of everything)

I'll be happy to answer any questions, and I look forward to hearing from you!

-- Jim R. Wilson (jimbojw)

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