by the way
I found date sortable by the code in @line 122
 doc.add(new Field("date", dateString, Field.Store.NO,
and found sorting reversable by the code in search.jsp @line 105
String params = "&hitsPerPage="+hitsPerPage
     +(sort==null ? "" : "&sort="+sort+(reverse?"&reverse=true":""));

I'm using nutch 0.9

2008/6/24 Mr Shore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I got it
> Now I'm confronting the problem that
> the reverse in query doesn't work
> http://localhost:8080/search.jsp?query=hardware+&lang=zh&hitsPerPage=10&hitsPerSite=0&clustering=&sort=date&reverse=false
> this is my query and the result is the same with the following query
> http://localhost:8080/search.jsp?query=hardware+&lang=zh&hitsPerPage=10&hitsPerSite=0&clustering=&sort=date&reverse=true
> which replaced reverse=false with reverse=true
> why is it like this?
> 2008/6/23 All day coders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> well the field will be indexed and stored, so you will have the value
>> stored in the index.
>> On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 11:26 AM, Mr Shore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I still have a doubt
>>> will the following statement store a duplicate value of dateString?
>>> new Field("date", dateString, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.UN_TOKENIZED)
>>> 2008/6/23 Mr Shore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>> It seems I've fixed the problem simply by change one line in
>>>> @122
>>>> doc.add(new Field("date", dateString, Field.Store.NO,
>>>> Field.Index.UN_TOKENIZED))
>>>> ==>
>>>> doc.add(new Field("date", dateString, Field.Store.YES,
>>>> Field.Index.UN_TOKENIZED))
>>>> now the result can be sort by date....
>>>> 2008/6/23 Mr Shore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>>> I've found the link here
>>>>> but not the case fit for me...
>>>>> 2008/6/23 Mr Shore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>>> Sorry for my late reply,just return from travelling...
>>>>>> I think you got me right but the solution is not the case
>>>>>> in my opinion I should modify the indexer to make it sortable by
>>>>>> certain field,not the searcher
>>>>>> is it?
>>>>>> or could you provide a link?
>>>>>> thanks very much
>>>>>> 2008/6/21 All day coders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>>>>> On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 3:08 AM, Mr Shore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I've just launched nutch in eclipse very hard
>>>>>>>> and now I want to add this sorting feature
>>>>>>> I assume you want to sort your search results by a certain field. If
>>>>>>> that's the case the Nutch API provides
>>>>>>> ways of doing so. Take a look to org.apache.nutch.searcher.NutchBean.
>>>>>>> search  (there are a few overload options). Would be nice if you 
>>>>>>> explain how
>>>>>>> are you planning to use Nutch.
>>>>>>>> but I don't know which file(s) should I modify to make it work?
>>>>>>>> I don't want to add a plugin because it's too much complicated for
>>>>>>>> me now
>>>>>>>> what I want to do is just modify a few rows in certain files and
>>>>>>>> that's all
>>>>>>>> Any advice is greatly apreciated!
>>>>>>> Usually configuring a new plugin is just about modifying your
>>>>>>> nutch-site.xml file and adding the plugin name in the right place.
>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>                    Yoanis

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