Hi Andrzej,

This was a very interesting experiment -- thanks for sharing the results with us.

The last range was the maximum in this case - Google wouldn't display any hit above 652 (which I find curious, too - because the total number of hits is, well, significantly higher - and Google claims to return up to the first 1000 results).

I believe this may have something to do with the way Google compacts URLs. My guess is that initially a 1000 results is found and ranked. Then pruning is performed on that, leaving just a subset of results for the user to select from.

If you try this, self-indulging, query (with filtering enabled):


You get: "Results 781 - 782 of about 61,700"

Now try disabling filtering:


Then you get: Results 781 - 782 of about 65,500

Hmmm... still the same number of available results, but the total estimate is higher.

So far I used URL parameters found on the "advanced" search page. I tried to "display the omitted search results", as Google suggested. Interestingly, this lead to:


"Results 541 - 549 of about 65,400 "

And that's the maximum you can get.

Sorry, my initial intuition proved wrong -- there is no clear logic behind the maximum limit of results you can see (unless you can find some logic in the fact that I can see _more_ results when I _exclude_ repeated ones from the total).


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