> I'm currently working on building a portfolio, but is there anything I
should focus on in particular?

Since you've changed careers, is there anything you could build the plays
on that? Something you can spin a narrative around of "As a teacher, I
always wanted to do X, and so I built this tool that does it."

Something like "Every term, I'd need to log on to the school web site and
copy a pupils grades one by one into a spreadsheet, so I built a web
scraper that does that automatically"

When it comes to interviewing, being able to demonstrate you have
transferable skills and experience you can apply can give you the edge over
another junior developer who might be able to code as well as you, but has
nothing else to offer - that's a bit blunt, but recruiters are soulless
monsters mostly.

>From a more personal perspective, and definitely more controversial, so
take this as one person's option: Frontend in Rails (Turbo and Hotwire) is
a hot mess and very few companies actually use it. Learning some React, and
building against APIs you've written, or other people's APIs is a much more
transferable skill set. I'd recommend Noel Rappin's Modern Front-End
Development for Rails
covers all bases by including Turbo, Stimulus, React, and TypeScript. That
has a more balanced approach than a random person on the internet screaming
"Hotwire sucks!" ;)

On Thu, 18 Apr 2024 at 12:47, DAZ <daz4...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I've been a long time member of this group and been coding in Ruby since
Rails first came out, but it's only ever been a hobby for me.
> I've recently decided to have a career change from teaching to web
development and would like to get into Rails development, preferably in
Manchester or remote.
> I know a lot of you on here are already working as Rails devs - does
anybody have any tips about what the best things I should be doing? I'm
currently working on building a portfolio, but is there anything I should
focus on in particular? And any tips about the best way to find Rails
vacancies or opportunities?
> I'd also be interested to hear if anyone knows of any opportunities just
to get any unpaid Rails development experience.
> Thanks,
> Daz
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