It continues to be a warm fall in the Adirondacks (each year becomes more
worrisome).  This past September was about the most beautiful that I can
ever recall.   Before listing a few October sightings, I wanted to mention
that Ruby-throated Hummingbirds stayed quite late this year in Long Lake.  A
juvenile female stayed at our feeders until September 23 (a late record for
us - typical is 9/8), and Bill Labes, also of Long Lake, reported two at his
home until September 24th (a late record for him).  The other unusual report
I have is that after two sightings of Evening Grosbeaks in May, I failed to
hear or observe any since!  Many other birders have reported the same lack
of any summer sightings for this nesting species in our area.  Evening
Grosbeaks nest near our home each spring, and I also hear them on most of my
outings, but not this year.  They did head south last winter (as did many of
our other finch species), but it appears as if they have yet to come back.
Unlike last winter, there is abundant food in the north this year, so it
will be interesting to see what happens this winter.  The first
White-crowned Sparrow I observed this season was on September 24th, 2013
outside our Long Lake house.


Some October sightings:


October 19, 2013 Sabattis Circle Road (Long Lake in Hamilton Co.)  Some of
the sightings:


Ruffed Grouse

Black-backed Woodpecker - at least 3 (I photographed a male and female) -
drumming, calling, and rattling!  I stopped my car at Sabattis Bog when I
heard distant tapping.  A male Black-backed Woodpecker was right outside my
car tapping on a tree - not drumming, and not foraging, just quietly
tapping.   A female would call back to him when he would pause in this quiet
tapping pattern.  He flew back a few trees and began to drum - and had a
drumming response up on a nearby hill.  There were at least 3 birds near the
bog.  Other woodpeckers along Sabattis Circle Road - Downy, Hairy, Northern
Flicker, and Pileated.

Gray Jay - calling near Sabattis Bog

Common Raven

Brown Creeper

Golden-crowned Kinglet

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Amer. Robins - still abundant and foraging on all the berries this fall

Sparrows: Song (singing), Swamp, and Dark-eyed Junco

Rusty Blackbird - flock of 10 to 15 flew over Sabattis Bog

Purple Finch


A large flock of Yellow-rumped Warblers foraged in the trees in our backyard
later in the day.


October 14, 2013 Long Lake (Hamilton Co.)


A Barred Owl was vocalizing outside our window from 6:15 to 6:30 a.m.!  A
nice alarm on Columbus Day!


October 11-12, 2013 Long Lake (Hamilton Co.) - camping trip at the north end
of the lake


My husband George and I camped at Island House lean-to near at the north end
of Long Lake last weekend.  We looked out at the island where Bald Eagles
nest each year - they are still roosting on this island!  I wrote a blog
with interspersed photographs of our trip at:
e-adirondack-wilderness .


Earlier on October 11th, I took a short walk on the Roosevelt Truck Trail in
Minerva (Essex Co.) and observed a flock of at least 4 Boreal Chickadees.
Hermit Thrushes are still abundant and White-throated Sparrows were singing.


October 10, 2013 Massawepie Mire (St. Lawrence Co.) & the Tupper Lake
Causeway on the drive (Franklin Co.)  Some of the sightings:


Wood Duck - causeway

Common Merganser - causeway

Ruffed Grouse - 3

Wild Turkey

Common Loon - Simon Pond (causeway) and Deer Pond (Massawepie)

Belted Kingfisher - causeway

Northern Flicker

Pileated Woodpecker

Blue-headed Vireo - our Long Lake home

Gray Jay - 2

Boreal Chickadee - several

Brown Creeper

Winter Wren

Golden-crowned Kinglet

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Hermit Thrush

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Palm Warbler - several

Song Sparrow - causeway

White-throated Sparrow

Dark-eyed Junco

Purple Finch


October 9, 2013 Lake Champlain Valley (Essex and Clinton Counties)


Sean O'Brien, Ted Mack, and I spent the day in the Lake Champlain Valley
between Westport and Ausable Point.  Here are some of the 55 species found:


Wood Duck

Amer. Black Duck

Common Merganser

Ruffed Grouse

Common Loon

Double-crested Cormorant

Great Blue Heron

Great Egret - several at Ausable Marsh

Northern Harrier - Ausable Marsh

Merlin - Ausable Marsh

Greater Yellowlegs - Ausable Marsh

Bonaparte's Gull - many in Westport

Belted Kingfisher

Eastern Phoebe - Ausable Marsh

Carolina Wren - Westport

Golden-crowned Kinglet

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Eastern Bluebird

Hermit Thrush

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Palm Warbler - (yellow, eastern) migrant among hoards of sparrows along a
Clark Rd. hedgerow

Sparrows: Chipping, Song, Swamp, White-throated, White-crowned, and
Dark-eyed Junco

Northern Cardinal

Red-winged Blackbird

Rusty Blackbird - we estimated over 50 birds at Ausable Marsh (I took photos
of a few)


October 6, 2013 Long Lake (Hamilton Co.)


Observed outside our Long Lake house: Eastern Bluebirds (several),
Blue-headed Vireo, Nashville Warbler, and Yellow-rumped Warbler


October 5, 2013 Low's Ridge/Upper Dam Trail (St. Lawrence Co.)


I led a trip for the Town of Long Lake on this trail (7.5 miles round trip).
This was not a birding trip - more leaf-peeping, but I still kept track of
birds!  Here are a few of the species:


Osprey - in a vocalization fight with the eagle over Hitchins Pond

Bald Eagle - adult at Hitchins Pond - vocalizing back and forth with the

Killdeer - at Hitchins Pond

Blue-headed Vireo

Red-eyed Vireo

Brown Creeper

Winter Wren

Golden-crowned Kinglet

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Yellow-rumped Warbler

White-throated Sparrow

White-crowned Sparrow

Dark-eyed Junco


Later in the day, I observed two Common Loons on Long Lake, and Eastern
Bluebirds in the town of Long Lake with Chipping Sparrows.


October 3, 2013 Long Lake (Hamilton Co.)


Outside our Long Lake house: Yellow-rumped and Blackpoll Warblers


October 1, 2013  Low's Ridge/Upper Dam Trail (St. Lawrence Co.) A couple
species to note:


Red-shouldered Hawk - lovely views directly over me as it drifted south

White-crowned Sparrow


I've posted many photos to my Facebook page at: 


I added a photographic blog post for September 2013 at:


I also added a blog post with sightings from tours and outings for September
2013 at:


Joan Collins

Long Lake, NY

(315) 244-7127 cell

(518) 624-5528 home 



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