3/27/14 Minerva (western Essex Co.) and Long Lake (northern Hamilton Co.)


I spent a few hours birding this morning - calm, sunny, and very cold (3
degrees).  Here are some of the species found:


Wild Turkey - quite a few observed at several different feeder areas in Long

Bald Eagle - adult soaring over Route 30 in Long Lake

Boreal Chickadee - at least 5 at a stop along Route 28N in Minerva.  I
watched them for a long time and took many photos, but none nice enough to
post on Facebook!

Brown Creeper - a non-stop singing bird near the Roosevelt Truck Trailhead
in Minerva

Purple Finch - many; found at every stop

Red Crossbill - 4; Found at 3 different stops in Minerva (2 new locations) -
one pair near the Boreal Chickadee location, a singing bird, and another
bird (male) gritting in the road (I took one photo of this bird before a
truck startled it from the road.  Once again, Red Crossbills are nesting
along the Route 28/28N corridor in Hamilton and Essex Counties as they did
two winters ago.

Evening Grosbeak - several heard vocalizing as they flew nearby while I was
observing the Boreal Chickadees.  Minerva is the only location where I have
found Evening Grosbeaks this winter/spring.


3/26/14 Minerva (western Essex Co.) and Long Lake (northern Hamilton Co.)


I spent a few hours birding mid-morning yesterday.  It was a very windy,
cold day.  Here are some of the species:


Red-shouldered Hawk - soaring down the road from our house - likely the same
bird that I have been posting (the record early 3/6/14 arriving bird)

Northern Shrike - last evening, I startled this bird from our back porch
floor at 6:50 p.m. (it was watching for the many small rodents that have a
network of tunnels under our bird feeders).  I took over 90 photos of the
bird since it only flew a short distance from the porch.  I used my
scope/iPhone adapter and photographed through the glass door.  I was
surprised that the photos came out since it was nearly sunset.  I posted 4
photos to my Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/AdirondackAvian .
We also observed the bird around noon outside our kitchen window - it was
immediately chased away by Blue Jays.

Purple Finch - many - both at our feeders and everywhere I stopped in

Red Crossbill - 4 at one stop in Minerva.  As I got out of the car, I
immediately heard a calling bird - a female that I briefly observed before
it flew to an area that I believe is a likely nesting location.  A bit
later, a group of 3 calling Red Crossbills flew over me, and landed too far
away for me to see them.


Joan Collins

Long Lake, NY


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

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