4/6/14 Minerva (Essex Co.) and Long Lake (Hamilton Co.)


I found several Red Crossbill fledglings this morning in Minerva.  Red
Crossbills were found in 3 locations along Route 28N and 1 location on the
Blue Ridge Road - at least 16 birds were found today.  I took photos of a
fledgling at the top of a tree that was among a flock I found as soon as I
got out of my car.  The flock moved down the road and I followed not
expecting to find them.  I was on the right side of the road looking left
where the birds had gone when I heard quiet vocalizations over my head - a
Red Crossbill fledgling!  It was making really interesting sounds non-stop.
It was only a few feet from me, so I slowly moved away.  It seemed
completely tame and I was able to take quite a few photos.  A second
fledgling was doing the same vocalization nearby and they both dropped down
behind the snow bank (just a few feet from me) to a wet spot with no snow.
They spent a long time on the ground, but they were out of my sight with the
snowbank blocking my view.  After a while, a flock of calling Red Crossbills
flew in and the fledglings joined them as they flew off.  (I came back a
couple hours later to the same spot, and once again found Red Crossbills as
I got out of my car - I observed 3 adult females, but they didn't stay still
long enough for photographs.)  I posted 10 photos of the fledglings at
https://www.facebook.com/AdirondackAvian .  We had a juvenile Red Crossbill
gritting in our driveway with an adult pair on 2/22/14 (in Long Lake), but I
had not observed any other juveniles this winter/spring until today.


I drove down the road about a mile from the fledgling location and nearly
hit a pair of Red Crossbills gritting in the road.  As I slammed on the
breaks, a Red Crossbill flew up over my hood - it was really close, but the
birds were fine.  They continued gritting and I took photos - I also posted
10 photos of this pair - you can see their long, pink tongues in the photos!
(I also took a video of this pair that I will post to Facebook.)


I also found Boreal Chickadees in Minerva.  I attempted to photograph one,
but my iPhone was in video mode, so I went with that - will post to Facebook
also.  Since I returned from Iowa on Wednesday, Brown Creepers and
Golden-crowned Kinglets are singing.  Purple Finches are widespread. Wild
Turkeys seem to be everywhere.  I found a Ruffed Grouse on Sabattis Circle
Road again today - and photographed it.  My husband and I observed several
voles running in and out of their tunnel system under the snow in our
backyard just before sunset.  So, we still have plenty of Barred Owl food
near our house!  (My husband said he heard Barred Owls 3 nights in a row
after I left for Iowa.)


4/5/14 Montezuma (windy and cold)


I was in Montezuma for a meeting yesterday and spent about an hour birding
in later afternoon before returning home.  Here are some of the species
found by driving around the loop road:



Amer. Wigeon

Blue-winged Teal

Northern Shoveler

Northern Pintail

Green-winged Teal

Ring-necked Duck


Hooded Merganser

Pied-billed Grebe

Double-crested Cormorant (3 on the river)

Great Blue Heron

Turkey Vulture

Osprey - on many nests

Bald Eagle - many!

Northern Harrier

Red-tailed Hawk

Amer. Coot


There seemed to be an abundance of food for the raptors, gulls, and
waterfowl - this is such an important area for wildlife.


4/4/14 Long Lake


Since the record-early Red-shouldered Hawk returned, the Blue Jays switched
from doing "Broad-winged Hawk" to "Red-shouldered Hawk" vocalizations at our


4/3/14 Long Lake


After returning from Iowa (where it was warm and there were many birds!),
there were several first-of-the-season species (for Long Lake): Mourning
Dove, Dark-eyed Junco, Song Sparrow, Turkey Vulture, and Hooded Merganser
pair (on a tiny section of open water on the Round Lake outlet on Sabattis
Circle Road).


Joan Collins

Long Lake, NY


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

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