On 9/5/2020 3:48 PM, Mike Cowlishaw wrote:
Rony, this was added to NetRexx back in the 1990s.�� ooRexx does it differently, for whatever reason.�� Whatever the case, it is always better to 'spell out' the short-circuits in the code rather than rely on weird notations, surely?�� That way, people who read the code later can see exactly what the programmer intended, rather than having to infer it from�some piece of code and notation that quite possibly was wrongly coded in the first place.� Very few C coders understand the difference between '&' and '&&', for example. They randomly use both until the compiler complains. In short: if the programmer wanted to 'save time' with a short-circuit then it would be better if they learned to make their code simpler and more readable.� If they wanted to do a second test only if the first succeeded, they can always write that explicitly.� And anyone who later reads that code will thank them for it.
And Rexx already provides an easy and clear way to do multiple tests, one after the other, without deeply nesting If statements - the Select When statement. Each When test is done consecutively until one returns true. By appropriate choice of logic and good, meaningful comments, this can provide the short-circuit test in a concise, easy to read manner.
That's why Rexx was designed to be (and hopefully still is): a language that is understandable -- and, more importunately, usable --�to most people.

Gil Barmwater

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