Le lundi 14 juillet 2008 à 15:26 -0700, George Williams a écrit :
> On Sun, 2008-07-13 at 10:17, Nicolas Mailhot wrote:
> > Please publish fonts accompagned by detached license files.
> Ok, I have changed fontforge's upload so that it will upload a detached
> License.txt file (and a FontLog.txt file if the user has that).
> Unfortunately OFLib does not accept "txt" files.

Thank you for looking at this. A detached license file, even if not
included in a zip file with the fonts, is going to be a great help to

I admit I'm sceptical of zip being a barrier to creating previews, and I
think not putting the files in the same archive will lead to some being
lost, but we're careful enough to avoid this Fedora-side so I'm not
going to make a pest of myself for something we can deal with.

> Please change the OFLib so that it will accept .txt files and .afm
> files. Probably it should accept ".html" files too.

and .zips, and .tar.gz, and .tar.bz2 :p

I'm more sceptical of .html — it could be used as a code injection
carrier (with embedded js) IMHO.

Nicolas Mailhot

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