2008/10/6 Ben Weiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> If I upload a zip file I get a nice listing of the contents. Should I
> also get one if I upload a tarball (.tar.gz)? I don't get that behaviour
> on my install and would like it.

I agree that .zip and .tar.gz (and .tgz, or even other zip formats
like .7zip :-) should be treated the same.

> But we also need to be able to host in a @font-face friendly way. I'm
> prepared to defend that position, despite some obvious complexities. And
> if we have files coming in inside archives we wont' just need to look
> inside them, we'll need to save them somewhere uncompressed.

I imagine that we want to offer the contents of these collections on a
file-by-file basis (like a type specimen designed by the font
developers, in PDF) so yes, ideally the procedure would be to unzip as
soon as uploaded, and then make a (cached) zip of the font and its
associated files available for simple all-in-one download by users.
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