Ed Trager wrote:
> Note however there are legitimate use cases where .bdf or .pcf might
> be the first choice container -- for example, a monospaced bitmap
> terminal font for Linux, especially for a non-Latin script where there
> might not be other choices available.  Such a bitmap-only font should
> also be packaged in a TTF container, but the main file that will
> actually get used by people interested in that font is the bdf or pcf
> file.

Actually, native Linux console bitmap fonts are PSF2 (.psf) fonts. There 
are tools to convert BDF to PSF.

Perhaps the category should be more general. Accept bitmap fonts. Those 
that can be packaged in a TTF container should have the container and 
the original in the zip file.

Side note: there is persistent user confusion over TTF fonts that only 
display properly in one size. They seldom understand they are using a 
bitmap font that only comes in one size.
Mark Leisher
Openfontlibrary mailing list

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