I put in a general Fontforge presentation, would be great for ff users to
present their use of ff :)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Femke Snelting" <snelt...@collectifs.net>
Date: 12 Jan 2014 11:48
Subject: [LGM] Only 3 days days left to submit!
To: <libre-graphics-meet...@lists.freedesktop.org>

Only 3 days days left to submit talks -- even with the expected last minute
rush, I think we could do with some more proposals by now ... So if you
know of anyone hesitating, please make sure they don't miss the deadline.

So far, 26 proposals have been submitted by 23 people. There are currently
3 short talks, 15 presentations, 5 workshops and 3 discussions, meetings or
hackathons submitted.

Live: http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2014/submit/354-2 (thank you ale!)

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