On Fri, 4 Nov 2022 16:07:54 GMT, Dean Wookey <dwoo...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> When menu buttons are added and removed from the scene, an accelerator change 
> listener is added to each menu item in the menu. There is nothing stopping 
> the same change listener being added multiple times.
> MenuButtonSkinBase calls the 
> ControlAcceleratorSupport.addAcceleratorsIntoScene(getSkinnable().getItems(), 
> getSkinnable()); method each time the button is added to the scene, but that 
> method itself also registers a listener to call itself. Each time the button 
> is added to the scene, the method is called at least twice.
> When it's removed from the scene, the remove accelerator method is also 
> called twice, but only the first call removes a change listener attached to 
> the accelerator because the first call removes the entry from the hashmap 
> changeListenerMap. The second call finds nothing in the map, and doesn't 
> remove the additional instance.
> This pull request just removes the redundant code in the MenuButtonSkinBase.

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: bac8ee87
Author:    Dean Wookey <dwoo...@openjdk.org>
Committer: Ambarish Rapte <ara...@openjdk.org>
Stats:     63 lines in 2 files changed: 48 ins; 9 del; 6 mod

8296409: Multiple copies of accelerator change listeners are added to 
MenuItems, but only 1 is removed

Reviewed-by: angorya, arapte


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/937

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