Hi list,

I've been busy trying to ensure that ChangeListeners received sensible old/new values at all times.  This is important as users may be relying on these values to be correct when doing calculations or creating nested bindings (where an old listener is removed based on the old value received, and a new listener is registered based on the new value received).

As you may know, currently  the values received by ChangeListeners are not what you'd expect when the value is modified within an ongoing notification (a nested change). This affects ChangeListeners registered *after* the listener that triggered the nested change.  These listeners receive incorrect old values, and duplicate new values.  It gets even more complicated when multiple listeners do this or when listeners are added/removed during the notification process (all of which is allowed).

I would like to update the ChangeListener javadoc to document what the user can expect when they register their listener.  The current documentation implies that:

- The listener is only called when a change occurs (implying new value received changed from last time) - The above further implies old and new values are distinct as it must have changed - The fact that it is called the "old value" implies that it will hold the value of the previously received new value and not some other value that is distinct from the received new value

If we can agree on the above, we may want to specify this contract a bit more explicitly.

Also I'd like to explicitly state that the received new value need not be the same as the value obtained from `ObservableValue#getValue` when another notification is still pending.

A further rule we should discuss is whether all ChangeListeners should receive notifications about **all** changes to a property. The current implementation will notify all listeners X times when there were X changes, but, when there are nested changes, will not actually send all the changes as a "new value" (it skips some of the values, and sends some twice).  I see a few options here:

1. All ChangeListeners receive notifications about all changes exactly as they occurred, regardless of nested changes made by listeners earlier in the chain of listeners. 2. ChangeListeners registered later in the chain of listeners will not see changes that were changed (vetoed) by earlier listeners. This implies that if there were X changes, later listeners may see X - Y changes, where Y is the number of nested changes made. This also implies there is a strict order in which listeners are registered and called.

I would be inclined to go with option 1 here, but I would like to hear what others think.  The current implementation in my PR (https://github.com/openjdk/jfx/pull/837) changes `ExpressionHelper` to follow the above contract, and uses option 1, where all change listeners receive all notifications exactly as they occurred.

The current implementations in JavaFX breaks the above contract in several ways:

1) Old value and new value can be the same instance. The collection properties (ListProperty) do this to avoid having to make a copy of the collection for a proper old value. I think this okay, but they need to document they are deviating here from the ChangeListener contract.  Effectively, it is no longer a change listener, it only provides the current values.

2) New value received is the same new value as the previous call. This happens when an earlier listener makes a change, triggering a nested notification. When the nested notification completes, the parent notification continues by sending the same new value again to the later listeners.

3) Old value received is not the same as the new value of the previous call. This happens in the same situation as 2)

I'm hoping we can get this situation fixed as they may trigger subtle bugs in calculations involving old/new values. When manually tracking bindings for example it can result in listeners that are never removed (for incorrect old values) or listeners being registered multiple times (for duplicate new values).

Thanks for reading!


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