Francis Swasey wrote:
On 6/9/10 3:32 PM, Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:
slapd.conf is deprecated and will likely be removed in OpenLDAP 2.5.

Do all of the overlays support cn=config yet?  Last I remember, there
were still overlays that didn't work with cn=config.

If your memory is correct, you're welcome to submit patches.

I would rather that cn=config was working with everything for one entire
release before slapd.conf is removed to give those of us that depend on
those overlays a chance to migrate -- rather than a repeat of the forced
conversion to syncrepl before it was completely baked (which I for one
do not think has completely happened even now in 2.4.22).

All of the core overlays support cn=config.

You can always pull slurpd from CVS if you enjoy that sort of thing, no one put a gun to your head to force you in any direction.

  -- Howard Chu
  CTO, Symas Corp. 
  Director, Highland Sun
  Chief Architect, OpenLDAP

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