To clarify some:


As I understand it, the interface I use is for admin purposes only,
doing changes from r...@localhost without any cn credentials. In fact, I
created an admin account from the same interface, which could import
schemas, create OU and CN entries, and generally behaving like expected
for everything except enabling modules. I used this guide:
e-working-how-to.albanianwizard to get this working as I expected. (Note
the modifications to cn=config here, which worked fine for me)


Openldap no longer have any config file, so all config changes is done
through this interface. Using the CN=admin,DC=domain,DC=com created from
the guide above return the same insufficient error message. I have also
attempted to force the use of a slapd.conf file, which I ported from
8.04 conf file, without success. I also attempted an strace to follow
the login procedure without getting any other message than the generic
'Insufficient access', or any reference to what permissions it checks.


What I can't figure out is why the admin account doesn't have access by
default, or how/what to change in order to allow access. But I suspect
there is something other than simple missing admin permissions going on
here. I also attempted to change permissions and ownership of any files
related to slapd, also with the same result. Any ideas on what to look



[] On Behalf Of Jon
Sent: 5. oktober 2010 10:41
Subject: memberOf module install on ubuntu 10.04 slapd package
gives:"Insufficient access"


Attempting to enable memberOf module, following
-a-secondary-group-in-openldap/ gives me: ldap_modify: Insufficient
access (50) - I am root on Ubuntu 10.04 using slapd package. What am I
doing wrong?

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