Hi diego,

thanks for you advise. I created two new Overlays as you said and
tried to set the attribute-set that I googled from some other guys.
These are probably wrong. Finally, that solved the messages that
appeared in the slapd log, but didn't solve the problem on the solaris
Too bad. :/

While reading to the log file once again, I find it quite strange,
that the client is asking for specific objectClasses and Attributes
that doesn't exist in my DIT.
I've imported the solaris.schema while preparing the DIT and setup the
"nisDomainObject" in the root Object, because the Client asked for
that in the autoconfig-process.
But the rest is from duaconfig.schema. By looking through the
solaris.schema, the requested obj and attr below are in there. But
this is all in all just guess work.

for example:

Oct 16 19:15:00 examplehost slapd[24946]: conn=1026 op=102 SRCH
base="ou=people,dc=example,dc=de" scope=2 deref=3
Oct 16 19:15:00 examplehost slapd[24946]: conn=1026 op=102 SRCH
attr=nisPublickey nisSecretkey

Oct 16 19:15:00 examplehost slapd[24946]: conn=1026 op=103 SRCH
base="ou=people,dc=example,dc=de" scope=2 deref=3
Oct 16 19:15:00 examplehost slapd[24946]: conn=1026 op=103 SRCH
attr=uid SolarisUserQualifier SolarisAttrReserved1
SolarisAttrReserved2 SolarisAttrKeyValue

Oct 16 19:15:00 examplehost slapd[24946]: conn=1026 op=104 SRCH
base="ou=projects,dc=example,dc=de" scope=2 deref=3
Oct 16 19:15:00 examplehost slapd[24946]: conn=1026 op=104 SRCH
attr=SolarisProjectName SolarisProjectID description memberUid
memberGid SolarisProjectAttr

LDIFs of the overlays:

version: 1

dn: olcOverlay={4}sssvlv,olcDatabase={1}hdb,cn=config
objectClass: olcSssVlvConfig
objectClass: olcOverlayConfig
objectClass: olcConfig
objectClass: top
olcOverlay: {4}sssvlv


version: 1

dn: olcOverlay={5}valsort,olcDatabase={1}hdb,cn=config
objectClass: olcValSortConfig
objectClass: olcOverlayConfig
objectClass: olcConfig
objectClass: top
olcOverlay: {5}valsort
olcValSortAttr: memberuid ou=groups,dc=example,dc=de alpha-ascend
olcValSortAttr: uid ou=people,dc=example,dc=de alpha-ascend

Actually these seems to be a question to the Solaris LDAP Mailinglist,
am I right?
But if you have an further hints, these are much appreciated.

Thanks and kind regards, Benjamin.

On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 18:41, Diego Lima <li...@diegolima.org> wrote:
> Hi Benjamin,
> It looks like your LDAP client is asking the server to return ordered
> results from looking at this line:
>> tag=101 err=18 nentries=0 text=serverSort control: No ordering rule
> You may want to take a look at the server-side sorting overlay
> (slapo-sssvlv) and/or the value sorting overlay (slapo-valsort) and
> see if activating them on the server will fix your problems.
> --
> Diego Lima
> http://www.diegolima.org

To be or not to be -- Shakespeare | To do is to be -- Nietzsche | To
be is to do -- Sartre | Do be do be do -- Sinatra

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