rey sebastien wrote:
Le 12/12/2011 19:24, Howard Chu a écrit :
reyman wrote:
You have a self signed certificate,


so you don't need to verify your certificate.
When you activate the tls on ldap, you only need this two lines, and you don't
need the line with certificate verification*olcTLSCACertificateFile : *

It true and false, with debian and openLdap compiled with GnuTLS (my case), i
read this documentation : and they said :

Pure garbage.


You're going to need the gnutls certificate generator: certtool

Run these two commands to generate a new self-signed key (into the current
working directory):

certtool --generate-privkey --outfile ca-key.pem
certtool --generate-self-signed --load-privkey ca-key.pem --outfile ca-cert.pem

Then, update your certificate locations in /etc/ldap/slapd.conf
(TLSCertificateFile points to ca-cert.pem and TLSCertificateKeyFile points to
ca-key.pem), *comment out TLSCACertificateFile*, and change *TLSVerifyClient
to never.*

In /etc/ldap/ldap.conf, comment out TLS_CACERT and change TLS_REQCERT to never.

This is utterly bogus. Turning off these checks disables any spoofing detection; you might as well run without TLS at all.

Since the certificate is self-signed, we can't have gnutls trying to verify it
(hence the never), otherwise it will never run.

And RTFM is a little violent, i try to help with my little experience, i'm not
an expert for sure.

RTFM is exactly the correct response.

Best regards,


On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 12:31 PM, Jayavant Patil <
<>> wrote:


>On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 4:19 PM, reyman <
<>> wrote:

>With the option -ZZ i think, try this

|>ldapsearch -x -LLL -ZZ -d 150|

Yeah, It shows output containing ber_dump, ldap_write,ldap_read,
tls_write, tls_read etc. But at the end is shows the following:

TLS certificate verification: Error, self signed certificate
TLS: can't connect: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_
CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed (self signed certificate).
ldap_start_tls: Connect error (-11)
additional info: error:14090086:SSL
routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed (self
signed certificate)

Why it shows an error ? and how to resolve this?

and when I do ldapsearch with -ZZ option it gives error

$ldapsearch -x -v -D "cn=root,dc=abc,dc=com" -w cluster -b
"ou=People,dc=abc,dc=com" "uid=ldap_6" -h n0 -ZZ
ldap_initialize( ldap://n0 )
ldap_start_tls: Connect error (-11)
additional info: error:14090086:SSL
routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed

>On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 11:21 AM, Jayavant Patil
< <>> wrote:


>> I am using openldap-2.4.19-4.x86_64 on fedora 12 machine. I
have enabled openldap SSL/TLS. How do I know >>(test) that I am
using SSL/TLS connections instead of normal ldap:///?

  -- Howard Chu
  CTO, Symas Corp. 
  Director, Highland Sun
  Chief Architect, OpenLDAP

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