Walter Werner wrote:
hi everyone

ok, i think i found it :-). It is the sizelimit parameter on the provider.

'The olcSizeLimit/sizelimit attribute/directive specifies the number
of entries to return to a search request'

Due to the website

Zytrax are plagiarists, they republish old versions of OpenLDAP docs and claim it as their own work. Zytrax are nothing more than a cancer on open source.

It says that 'If no sizelimit directive is defined the default is
500.' No wonder that i had always 500 results with ldapsearch -x,
despite the fact, that i deleted some entries.

The same information came from the slapd.conf(5) manpage, as well as the Admin Guide.

You're always safest to use the official documentation.


2013/3/18 Walter Werner <>:
hello everyone

I still did not solve my problem, but i think the solution could be
really some size limitation (already suggested by Marc)

LDAP_RES_SEARCH_RESULT (4) Size limit exceeded

The replication was until Object stud31. So i deleted on provider (on
the test environment i can do that) Objects stud01 until stud06. And
the replication went until stud34. 6 deleted and 3 could replicate. I
guess the other 3 objects where replicated in some other sub trees, i
did not noticed, if the size-limit is a constant. The question is, is
there an easy way to see the difference between the provider and

And the main question is, where can the size limitation (if i am
thinking right) comes from?

Every help is highly appreciated.


2013/3/15 Walter Werner <>:
hi Marc

Thanks a lot for you quick answer.

2013/3/15 Marc Patermann <>:

Walter Werner schrieb (15.03.2013 10:58 Uhr):

I get a strange replication problem. After i didn't find a solution
somewhere on internet i decided to post to this mailing-list. Probably
i should describe my system settings. Both consumer and provider are
running on suse 12.1. And i got the errors with openldap version
2.4.26-3.1.3. Since it is a good
behavior i red somewhere on this email-list, i compiled the latest
openldap v2.4.34 and could unfortunately reproduce the same error.

The is a repo, did you know?
(it is still 2.4.33, but anyway)

No, i didn't. That can save me a lot of time in the future.

Mar 15 09:17:43 ismvm22 slapd[17313]: dn_callback : entries have
identical CSN uid=stud31,ou=Student,ou=People,ou=myou,dc=mybase

do the objects differ from provider to consumer?

Especially that stud31 object is exactly the same. I am not sure all
copied objects are the same, if that was the question. Apparently ldap
has added the stud objects in alphabetical order. There are all studXX
until stud31. So after stud31 there should be stud32 stud33 and so on,
but they are missing on the consumer. It is maybe no accident that in
the log it ends with stud31 object.

dn_callback : entries have identical CSN uid=stud31...

Mar 15 09:17:43 ismvm22 slapd[17313]: do_syncrep2: rid=010
LDAP_RES_SEARCH_RESULT (4) Size limit exceeded
Mar 15 09:17:43 ismvm22 slapd[17313]: do_syncrep2: rid=010 (4) Size
limit exceeded
Mar 15 09:17:43 ismvm22 slapd[17313]: do_syncrepl: rid=010 rc -2
retrying (58 retries left)

Change that!

Do you mean Size limit exceeded? I already thought about that. Please
look at the partial configs in the first mail.On the provider time and
size are set to unlimited for the replicator reader. On the consumer
it is also set to unlimited. Maybe i forgot some other option.

overlay syncprov

man slapo-syncprov tells more about options to the syncprov overlay.

There are indeed a lot more. I tried with additional parameter for checkpoint

syncprov-checkpoint 100 10

No effect. Other options seems to me for speeding up ldap. I do not
want to complicate things. I don't now if it is useful, before trying
out something, i also always deleted the database files on the
consumer to avoid memory effects of some sort.

Still not replicating properly.


  -- Howard Chu
  CTO, Symas Corp. 
  Director, Highland Sun
  Chief Architect, OpenLDAP

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