Probably worth pointing out - Solaris 11 now bundles OpenLDAP by default. If there were any issues in migrating, the OpenSolaris guys must have already encountered them and they can surely provide you answers.

Howard Chu wrote:
Far a wrote:
As part of Solaris to Linux migration, I am planning to migrate my application
that uses SUN one C SDK to openldap C sdk (Linux). I have various questions
that I need to address at the beginning. I am hoping I can get some help over
here. The questions are as follows

   * Can client use openldap C sdk (Linux) while the server is still on Sun one

The point of a standardized protocol like LDAP and the SDK is to allow you to
talk to any server that speaks LDAP.

   * Is there a list of dos and don'ts and list of possible issues for
     migrating from SUN
     one LDAP TO openldap on Linux

I haven't seen any such list.

  -- Howard Chu
  CTO, Symas Corp. 
  Director, Highland Sun
  Chief Architect, OpenLDAP

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