Zhang Weiwu wrote:
2013/8/6 Ulrich Windl <ulrich.wi...@rz.uni-regensburg.de>:
For a solution, I'm afraid you'll have to provide your own "local"
translations. Actually I did something like that in Perl for a CGI

Local translation in application layer is NO-GO. I would have to put the
translation to 2 desktop clients in different programming languages and one
Android application.

A shadow entry for every customized attribute is the only way to go.

Talking about the general design, I don't expect the standard to shift for
the simple requirement of translating description. But make new attribute
type definition into the object-like 'entry' brings all the advantage
object-oriented data can offer.

- Add slapo-constraint rule right on attribute definition.
- Add auditing rule on speicfic attributes, like password.
- Define an attribute's value should be shorted, right on the attribute's
- Define an attribute's value should be unique across the database.

I couldn't be the first to think about this, after-all OOP is so ubiquitous.
Even if the idea is valid, a change is always difficult, that's why in IT
evolution is usually done by new systems invented to replace the old ones,
not by old ones morphing into new ones.

The elements and syntax of an attribute definition are specified in X.500 and ASN.1. We don't have the freedom to arbitrarily add extensions to these definitions.

  -- Howard Chu
  CTO, Symas Corp.           http://www.symas.com
  Director, Highland Sun     http://highlandsun.com/hyc/
  Chief Architect, OpenLDAP  http://www.openldap.org/project/

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