Nick Milas wrote:

We have a running openldap installation (2.4.39) - a single master -
with cn=config and hdb backend.

So, config has the branches:

I know we must slapcat our data and slapadd it in mdb afterwards.

The question is: what changes should be done in the config DIT (and how)
so that the config changes from hdb backend to mdb backend?

Is it enough to slapcat config, then change:

     olcDatabase from {1}hdb to {1}mdb


     objectClass from olcHdbConfig to olcMdbConfig


That's a start.

Anything else?

Can we safely delete all values of the olcDbConfig attribute which
originate from converting from "DB_CONFIG"?

Not only *can you* - you *must*.

What attributes can we safely remove?

Read the schema definition of the olcHdbConfig objectclass, and compare it to the definition of the olcMdbConfig objectclass. Delete anything that isn't present in the olcMdbConfig objectclass.

The schema has everything you need to know. Use it.

  -- Howard Chu
  CTO, Symas Corp. 
  Director, Highland Sun
  Chief Architect, OpenLDAP

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