On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 6:48 PM, Ulrich Windl <
ulrich.wi...@rz.uni-regensburg.de> wrote:

> Hi!
> I'm running a NRPE monitor that monitors openLDAP. To compute delta
> values, the NRPE plugin stores the "dn: cn=Uptime,cn=Time,cn=Monitor"
> reported by openLDAP to compare it with the current value (to build the
> time difference). If the time difference is negative, the plugin reports a
> "server restart" event.
> So far, so good...
> However, very rarely (once every few weeks) a false server restart is
> reported. Viewing the historic logs, I can only assume that openLDAP
> reports a bad uptime value now and then. Could this be?

If uptime is a calculation based on the system clock, is there some process
such as ntpd or vmware tools, periodically updating the system clock,
sometimes backwards ?

If so, maybe look for an option to limit backwards updates.


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