Am Mon, 10 Dec 2018 10:16:54 +0100
schrieb "Ulrich Windl" <>:

> Hi!
> I have a question for the following log messages:
> slapd[2215]: connection_input: conn=144871 deferring operation: too
> many executing slapd[2215]: connection_input: conn=144871 deferring
> operation: pending operations slapd[2215]: connection_input:
> conn=144871 deferring operation: pending operations
> What is "too many", i.e. where is that limit configured?
> Is it possible to tell how many "pending operations" there are?

In fact bash(1) is the culprit, read bash(1) on ulimit.
The reason most likely is too many filesystem I/O's requested, bad
search filter design, too many operations on the same index database,


Dieter Klünter | Systemberatung
GPG Key ID: E9ED159B

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