On 2/7/19 11:09 PM, Zeus Panchenko wrote:
> We've found RFC2307bis2:
> "An Approach for Using LDAP as a Network Information Service"
> and now wondering, what've happened to it finally?  Is it just expired
> and forgotten?

I've tried to resurrect ldapext working group but failed.
AFAIK there's currently nobody working on that.

Nevertheless you're free to use whatever schema you'd like on your
server. Obviously a schema for RFC2307bis would conflict with parts of
nis.schema. So you cannot include both and you should not change nis.schema.

> Recently we've began to deploy netgroup usage in our network and found
> it impossible to do search by nisNetgroupTriple attribute due to it's
> SYNTAX and SUBSTR definition ...

IMO netgroups must die-die-die.

You're welcome to look at Æ-DIR which is especially intended to replace
netgroup map (see https://www.ae-dir.com/faq.html#netgroup).

Ciao, Michael.

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