Am Wed, 18 Mar 2020 17:16:53 +0000
schrieb <>:

> Dear all,
> we're currently testing performance of OpenLDAP on Oracle/RedHat
> Linux and quite unexpected actually hit systemd-journald to be a
> bottleneck. While OpenLDAP happily makes use of all available CPUs,
> that one is single threaded, braking everything. The only way around
> I have found is to set olcLoglevel to 0, speeding up my test run by a
> factor of 6(!). That now of course is not an option to use in
> production. I'd happily directly write to a file as I did in the old
> days but I cannot get olcLogfile to work. And even if I was able to
> get there, how do I stop OpenLDAP from logging to syslogd (which is
> inevitably forwarding everything to system-journald ....) ? Can
> anyone give advice how to handle this ? Any hint appreciated (short
> of "get a decent OS" - that is not an option).

I support Qanah's advice!
Beside this, consider a logging strategy based on required information
and neglected information, as well as min. and max. server load.

Based on my experience I would disable logging as default, but enable
logging for a short given time, just a modify operation on  atribute
With regard to journald I advice to define filters, see man
If syslog is a requirement, change to rsyslog. Don't make use of


Dieter Klünter | Systemberatung
GPG Key ID: E9ED159B

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