        I am making my own private CA, using the CA.pl scripts provided under the
apps directory of OpenSSL release.

        I run "./CA.pl -newca"

        It asks for filename, and I enter without giving any.

        I am prompted for PEM pass phase.  I enter some.

        After which, I get the following error

        "unable to find 'distinguished_name' in config
        problems making Certificate Request
        28979:error:0E06D06A:configuration file routines:NCONF_get_string:no conf
or environment variable:conf_lib.c:324:"

        Please note that I had copied the openssl.cnf to the same directory that of
CA.pl but didn't modify any of the contents of openssl.cnf.

- rsr.

R S Chandrasekhar
ISD     : 091-080-2051166
Telnet : 847-1166

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