On Sat, Dec 16, 2006 at 03:35:45PM -0800, David Newman wrote:

> openssl ca -out certs/lance-cyrus.pem \
>  -in csrs/lance-cyrus.csr -config ./openssl.cnf \
>  -extensions server

You need to arrange for the CA to include the SubjectAlternativeName
extension values in the signed cert...

For a self-signed (req -x509) certificate, this is easy:

    req_extensions          = v3_req
    x509_extensions         = v3_req

> [ v3_req ]
> basicConstraints = CA:FALSE
> keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
> subjectAltName          = @alt_names
> [alt_names]
> DNS.1   = lance.eng.networktest.com
> DNS.2   = mail.freedonia.gov
> DNS.3   = mail.potrzebie.org
> DNS.4   = mail.furshlugginer.org

You need additional CA policy settings, you should be able to "Google"

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