Hey all,

I'd like to propose an official program to the TC - refstack, a program
for verifying interoperability between implementations via FITS testing.

Official Title: OpenStack Interoperability
Initial PTL: Monty Taylor <mord...@inaugust.com>
Mission Statement:
  Develop and maintain FITS testing and interoperability reporting for
  OpenStack deployments and distributions.

For a little background, the specific incarnation of the idea for this
came up at the last in-person Foundation Board meeting, and I think it's
a good idea. Also, it turns out there’s a reference in the logo
guidelines stating that any FITS defined by the TC and made available by
OpenStack needs to be passed before the logos can be used for a product.

Follow on discussions were held at the summit, and a general approach of
basing the testing of clouds on tempest was agreed to. The general idea
is that for any given cloud, refstack will run tempest against the cloud
in a standard configuration (not re-configuring tempest on a per-cloud
basis) This will result in a set of passing and failing tests. That
output then needs to be processed and presented in a way that it can be
the basis of determining which elements are compliant and not. The
ultimate decisions around which elements would be 'required' to be a
compliant deployment would come back to the TC, and how that compliance
translates in to trademark usage goes back to the board. But it's the
job of refstack to be able to test the candidate cloud and report on its
actual capabilities.

In conjunction with this a 'reference' deployment config is needed, so
that we can validate that our test is passable. At the moment I would
expect this to be the de-facto standard which is devstack, but that's
ultimately a happenstance and opportunistic config, and over time the
refstack program would be involved in helping to define a deployment
configuration or configurations that we as a community feel should
reasonably be expected to pass our own FITS testing.

Expected outputs:
 - A service for submission of cloud endpoint information for testing
 - Processing of tempest output into a service compliance report
 - One or more deployment configurations that can, themselves, pass the
testing 100%

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