On 07/17/2013 02:11 AM, Robert Collins wrote:
> Python 2.6 isn't one of the official supported Pythons for
> testrepository, and I managed to break that when I fixed tests on
> Python3.3 (which has more random dicts). So Testrepository 0.0.16
> breaks on 2.6, 0.0.17 is fixed.
> However until the fixed version propogates into the OpenStack-infra
> PyPI mirror, I think every Python2.6 run will fail in this way.
> a) sorry.

You got lucky - the mirror hadn't picked up 0.0.16 yet either. W00t!

> b) Can we not say 'if you want to run OpenStack on a Python version
> upstream python don't support, it's your problem, not ours' ?

Not until RHEL cuts a release with a newer python.

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