[Apologies for the relay in responding...]

On Fri, Jun 1, 2018 at 8:13 AM, Josephine Seifert
<josephine.seif...@secustack.com> wrote:
> our team has implemented a prototype for an osc-included image signing. We
> would like to propose a spec or something like this, but haven't found where
> to start at. So here is a brief concept of what we want to contribute:
> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/osc-included_image_signing
> Please advise us which steps to take next!

This looks like a great addition, thanks!

I am not familiar with cursive, it is not a current dependency of OSC.
Also, does this depend on barbican client at all?  That is not a
direct dependency of OSC,  If it does have a hard dependency on
barbican client, we would need to handle the errors if it is not

We do not have a formal spec process in OSC, that etherpad[0[ and
story [1] look good.  Tasks 19810 and 19812 could likely be done in
the same review depending on how things are structured.

Go ahead and post WIP reviews and we can look at it further.  To merge
I'll want all of the usual tests, docs, release notes, etc but don't
wait if that is not all done up front.


[0] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/osc-included_image_signing
[1] https://storyboard.openstack.org/?#!/story/2002128


Dean Troyer

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