Monty Taylor <> writes:

> Heya,
> Tobias and I were chatting at OpenStack Days Nordic about the Public 
> Cloud Working Group potentially taking over as custodians of the vendor 
> profile information [0][1] we keep in openstacksdk (and previously in 
> os-client-config)
> I think this is a fine idea, but we've got some dancing to do I think.
> A few years ago Dean and I talked about splitting the vendor data into 
> its own repo. We decided not to at the time because it seemed like extra 
> unnecessary complication. But I think we may have reached that time.
> We should split out a new repo to hold the vendor data json files. We 
> can manage this repo pretty much how we manage the 
> service-types-authority [2] data now. Also similar to that (and similar 
> to tzdata) these are files that contain information that is true 
> currently and is not release specific - so it should be possible to 
> update to the latest vendor files without updating to the latest 
> openstacksdk.
> If nobody objects, I'll start working through getting a couple of new 
> repos created. I'm thinking openstack/vendor-profile-data, owned/managed 
> by Public Cloud WG, with the json files, docs, json schema, etc, and a 
> second one, openstack/os-vendor-profiles - owned/managed by the 
> openstacksdk team that's just like os-service-types [3] and is a 
> tiny/thin library that exposes the files to python (so there's something 
> to depend on) and gets proposed patches from zuul when new content is 
> landed in openstack/vendor-profile-data.
> How's that sound?

I understand the benefit of separating the data files from the SDK, but
what is the benefit of separating the data files from the code that
reads them?


> Thanks!
> Monty
> [0] 
> [1] 
> [2]
> [3]
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