On 11/24/2014 10:17 AM, Chmouel Boudjnah wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 3:32 PM, Sean Dague <s...@dague.net
> <mailto:s...@dague.net>> wrote:
>     We should also make this something which is gate friendly. I think the
>     idea had been that if projects included a /devstack/ directory in them,
>     when assembling devstack gate, that would be automatically dropped into
>     devstack's extra.d directory before running.
> +1 you are taking this way forward and it would look even better, even
> for official projects managing their own devstack installation would be
> great! (kinda like we are heading with functional tests)
>     Which would let projects keep their devstack support local, make it easy
>     to gate their project on it, give those projects the ability to make
>     local fixes if something in devstack broke them.
>     I think that in general providing this kind of functionality is
>     goodness. We should probably get the details hammered out though to
>     support local running and automated testing coherently.
> We don't seem to have any specs repo for  devstack where this could be
> worked on ?

devstack is part of the qa program so qa-specs is the place to put it.


Sean Dague

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