For the past few days, I've been updating to the latest SVN code, and I'm 
seeing that when I try to login to luci, I get a failed username/password.

I can ssh to the router (pubkey authentication), but changing the root 
password doesn't affect my ability to login to the web interface.

I have strace installed on the router and have pulled logs of a version 
earlier this week - here's what strace showed on the relevant thread 
(password obscured):

--- snip ---

9612  read(0, "username=root&password=MYPASSWORD"..., 33) = 33
9612  open("/etc/shadow", O_RDONLY)     = 12
9612  ioctl(12, TIOCNXCL, 0x7fd02608)   = -1 ENOTTY (Inappropriate ioctl 
for device)
9612  read(12, "root:x:0:0:99999:7:::\ndaemon:*:0"..., 4096) = 116
9612  close(12)                         = 0
9612  getuid()                          = 0
9612  getgid()                          = 0
9612  open("/usr/lib/lua/luci/view/sysauth.htm", O_RDONLY) = 12
9612  read(12, "<%#\nLuCI - Lua Configuration Int"..., 1024) = 1024
9612  read(12, "na", 2)                 = 2
9612  read(12, "me=\"username\" value=\"<%=duser%>\""..., 412) = 412
9612  read(12, "\" v", 3)               = 3
9612  read(12, "alue=\"<%:", 9)         = 9
9612  read(12, "res", 3)                = 3
9612  read(12, "et%>\" class=\"cbi-button cbi-bu", 30) = 30
9612  read(12, "tton-reset\" />\n\t</div>\n</form>\n<", 32) = 32
9612  read(12, "%+footer%>\n", 52)      = 11
9612  read(12, "", 106)                 = 0
9612  close(12)                         = 0
9612  getuid()                          = 0
9612  getgid()                          = 0
9612  open("/usr/lib/lua/luci/view/header.htm", O_RDONLY) = 12
9612  read(12, "<%#\nLuCI - Lua Configuration Int"..., 1024) = 581
9612  read(12, "", 445)                 = 0
9612  close(12)                         = 0
9612  brk(0xc8e000)                     = 0xc8e000
9612  sysinfo({uptime=9003, loads=[192, 960, 2976] totalram=63471616, 
freeram=24322048, sharedram=0, bufferram=3465216} totalswap=0, 
freeswap=0, procs=56}) = 0
9612  uname({sysname="Linux", nodename="fruitbat", release="3.3.6", 
version="#1 Sat May 19 13:48:15 MDT 2012", machine="mips"}) = 0
9612  brk(0xc92000)                     = 0xc92000
9612  stat64(0xc3da18, 0x7fd023f8)      = 0
9612  open("/usr/lib/lua/luci/i18n/sysauth.en.lmo", O_RDONLY) = 12
9612  lseek(12, -4, SEEK_END)           = 164
9612  read(12, "\0\0\0t", 4)            = 4
9612  lseek(12, 116, SEEK_SET)          = 116
9612  read(12, "[W\32\346", 4)          = 4
9612  read(12, "g\254\22\322", 4)       = 4
9612  read(12, "\0\0\0@", 4)            = 4
9612  read(12, "\0\0\0003", 4)          = 4
9612  read(12, "\212\342\265I", 4)      = 4
9612  read(12, "s\1\365\217", 4)        = 4
9612  read(12, "\0\0\0\30", 4)          = 4
9612  read(12, "\0\0\0(", 4)            = 4
9612  read(12, "]0\243\23", 4)          = 4
9612  read(12, "=\311T[", 4)            = 4
9612  read(12, "\0\0\0\0", 4)           = 4
9612  read(12, "\0\0\0\26", 4)          = 4
9612  lseek(12, 0, SEEK_SET)            = 0
9612  old_mmap(NULL, 116, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, 12, 0) = 0x77006000
9612  getuid()                          = 0
9612  getgid()                          = 0
9612  open("/usr/lib/lua/luci/view/footer.htm", O_RDONLY) = 13
9612  read(13, "<%#\nLuCI - Lua Configuration Int"..., 1024) = 462
9612  read(13, "", 564)                 = 0
9612  close(13)                         = 0
9612  getuid()                          = 0
9612  getgid()                          = 0
9612  open("/usr/lib/lua/luci/view/themes/", 
O_RDONLY) = 13
9612  read(13, "<%#\nLuCI - Lua Configuration Int"..., 1024) = 592
9612  read(13, "", 434)                 = 0
9612  close(13)                         = 0
9612  brk(0xc93000)                     = 0xc93000
9612  write(1, "Status: 200 OK\r\nVary: Accept\r\nCo"..., 2924) = 2924

--- snip ---

PID 9612 is the forked thread that seems to be handling the 
authentication.  I attached strace to the running uhttpd thread to get 
this info.

I can see that it's opening the shadow file, but can't see where it's 
actually validating the password.

The PPID has a similar line that includes the user ID (root) and password 
string, but it seems that this forked thread pops up almost immediately 

opkg shows a number of luci-related updates available along the lines of:

luci - 0.9+svn8682-1 - trunk+svn8682-1

And if I upgrade to trunk+svn8682-1 (which I have to force because luci-
admin-full has some conflicting files), then I can login, but most of the 
administration option pages have various and sundry errors on them that 
prevent it from being used for administration - I can watch live traffic 
and historical data, but I wasn't able to perform administration on 
anything that I tried (LAN/WAN interfaces primarily).

Where do I go from here - or is there other info that would be more 
useful to track this down?
 Jim Henderson
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