Hi Jordi,


Thanks for the heads-up on this meeting. It will clearly be of interest to
the CATS working group although it is unclear from your brief summary of the
issue whether you intend exposure of information to "the application" (by
which I think you may mean the programs running on a host) or "the network
edge" (which is clearly the scope of CATS).


I know you will have time on the CATS agenda (on Friday) to present your
s/. But, as CATS is not happening until after your side-meeting, it might
help to try to resolve the main question of why your topic is not fully in
scope for discussion in CATS.


By the way, I notice you have picked the side-meeting room that has a
maximum capacity of 14 people. Since you sent your notification to five
working groups, and since the topic was of sufficient interest to cause the
formation of the CATS working group, I wonder whether you may have
under-estimated the potential attendance.





From: bmwg <bmwg-boun...@ietf.org> On Behalf Of Jordi Ros Giralt
Sent: 31 October 2023 22:36
To: c...@ietf.org; a...@ietf.org; opsawg@ietf.org; b...@ietf.org;
Subject: [bmwg] IETF ALTO 118 side meeting on exposure of network and
compute information for edge computing


Hi CATS/OPSAWG/ALTO/IPPM/BMWG WG mailing list members:


We are going to have a side meeting to discuss "exposure of network and
compute information for edge computing applications":

*       Side meeting wiki:
*       Topic: Edge computing
*       When: Wed Nov 8, 15:30 -17:00, 
*       Where: Karlin 4


As the industry has reached peak computational centralization, compute needs
communication to scale through distributed computing. There is a need to
have a forum to discuss how the two sides of the same coin (compute and
communication) can be exposed to the application to make efficient service
placement and selection decisions. This is especially important at the edge
of the network, where services such as distributed AI, XR/VR, vehicle
networks (V2X), etc. need this compute and communication information to be
efficiently deployed and managed. Exposed information should also account
for the application footprint reaching out to cellular networks and for
trust capabilities exposure. 


The session will include talks on the following topics. If you are
interested in presenting an additional related topic, please reach out to us
by replying to this e-mail no later than Sunday Nov 5th.


Side meeting presentations/topics:

*       Compute information exposure for service placement and selection.
*       Cellular information exposure to Internet applications.
*       Security information exposure for trust modeling and measurement.
*       Southbound mechanisms to obtain network and compute information.
*       Summary of conversations: key points and discussion of next steps. 




On behalf of this side meeting's organizers

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