Congrats that your are reblooming it! Sounds like you have the right
idea. If you are giving the recommended care and others like it do not
perform the same, probably is the genetics. Might be worth asking if
others who have that one, how they treat it. I for one love fragrance so
I might excuse an 'ugly child' :~) But don't send it to me, I'm
liquidating mine. :(

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [OGD] what would you do with this plant?
> From: nancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sun, September 28, 2008 2:49 pm
> To: orchid list <>
> Greetings -
> Last year I purchased a vandaceous plant; it bloomed shortly thereafter with 
> mutated flowers. I waited to see subsequent flowerings, thinking that perhaps 
> some trauma had caused a one-time glitch. Here in the deep south, USA, these 
> plants bloom pretty often, and after three more instances of the exact same 
> mutation, I think the plant has some genetic defect. 
> So, my question: what should I do with it? Beautiful, healthy plant, but the 
> flowers - oh, my! I guess I'm too much of a plant geek to trash the plant, 
> but I don't want to give it to an unsuspecting third party, either. Maybe 
> offer it at a meeting, with the warning that the plant is a mutated freak 
> with horrific flowers? It is Ascda. Tahourdin 'Bronze Grape' so the flowers, 
> at least, are fragrant.
> Thanks - Nancy
> "Boredom: the desire for desires."
>        ----Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910)
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