O | S | D | N                 NEWSLETTER                          
    November 26, 2002                                          DEVELOPER SERIES  

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    related content to a user with a focus for development with Open Source  
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Cube Fodder: Tangle Desktop Toy

Gadgets: Sharp Zaurus Linux PDA

Gadgets: Key Katcher

Tshirts: Kids: newbie

Caffeine: Energy Gum

Gadgets: Super Bright GREEN Laser Pointer!

Gadgets: SoundBug - Turns Glossy Surfaces Into Speakers!

Tshirts: It Must Be User Error

Gadgets: Key Katcher Privacy Device

Gadgets: Mini Wireless Color Video Cam (for RC rovers)

Cube Goodies: Levitron Desktop Levitation Toy

Tshirts: Bug Off, I'm On My Break

Watches: onHand PC Watch

Caffeine: Hyperglow Caffeinated Beer

Gadgets: Desktop Zero Point Infinite Power Generator

Cube Fodder: New Desktop Mini Fridge/Warmer

Mods: New Lian-LIi Cases

Cube Fodder: LED Binary Clock

Cube Fodder: Rogers Connection Magnetic Set

Caffeine: Warp Mints In Cinnamon Flavor

Automated Security Tools
    Release Candidate 1

    phpLotto 1st Release

Legend of the Wonderer TCG
    battle system in the project Docs

Advanced Simlulation Toolkit

    PHPortal version 0.1.9 released!

PCGen -- A d20 Character Generator
    PCGen 2.6.3 is available

MySQL Objective C API for Cocoa
    SMySQL version 0.7.0

i810 Framebuffer Device Driver
    Video Overlay Support for the Intel 810 and 815 Framebuffer

'Just For Fun' Network Management System
    JFF Network Management System 0.6.4

    VietPad 1.0.2 Release

Mini PC in an Actual Lunchbox

    schnell29 writes "I am looking for a small case and such to house my
    next computer, and I have seen many mini, micro, flex ATX cases, but
    [0]mini-itx.com has caught my atention. I like the [1] lunchbox pc.
    With all the talk about quiet, small pc's this might be the ticket. And
    hey, they even report that VIA is now Microsoft CE .NET 4.1 certified." 
    0. http://www.mini-itx.com/
    1. http://www.mini-itx.com/projects/lunchboxpc/

Electronic News Is Shutting Its Doors

    [0]ahess247 writes "You probably missed it, but last week, the
    publication that helped give Silicon Valley its name announced that it
    will be shutting down its paper edition next month. [1]Electronic News
    is one of the oldest trade publications covering the electronics and
    semiconductor industries. Launched in 1957, it predates its main
    competitor [2]EETimes by more than a decade. One of its main claims to
    fame is it was the first publication to ever use the phrase “Silicon
    Valley” in print. A reporter for the weekly paper, the late [3]Don
    Hoefler wrote a series of stories entitled “Silicon Valley, USA” that
    started the week of Jan. 11, 1971. The name, as we all know, stuck. It
    was also within the pages of Electronic News that [4]Intel Corp. first
    advertised its [5]4004 Microprocessor. Once considered the bible of the
    electronics industry, its last printed issue will go out to subscribers
    on Dec. 2. According to [6]this press release from its current owner,
    [7]Reed Business, the publication will shift to an “all digital
    format.” All but three staffers have been let go, and they will
    produce what essentially amounts to an online newsletter. Not a fitting
    end for a publication with such an important place in the history of
    the semiconductors industry." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.e-insite.net/electronicnews
    2. http://www.eet.com/
    3. http://www.netvalley.com/donhoefler.html
    4. http://www.intel.com/
    5. http://www.intel.com/intel/intelis/museum/exhibit/hist_micro/hof/4004.htm
    7. http://www.reedbusiness.com/portal/rp_home.htm

Speaking Out For Free Software In India

    [0]inode_buddha writes "We all know how RMS and Bill Gates toured India
    recently, with mostly mixed reviews. The reviews don't seem so mixed
    after reading this [1]memo regarding the use of software in Indian
    schools... and it's interesting how quickly these people pick up on the
    business. IMHO, this letter ranks up there with the [2]Peruvian
    Congressman's letter to Microsoft in clarity and impact. People
    worldwide are beginning to wake up, and this needs to be shouted from
    the (networked) hills... " 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.symonds.net/~fsug-kochi/mass-memo.html
    2. http://linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2002-05-06-012-26-OS-SM-LL

CA Supreme Court Saves LiViD, Pavlovich

    [0]joebeone writes "The [1]California Supreme Court has suprisingly
    [2]ruled that Matthew Pavlovich is not within their jurisdiction in the
    [3]DVD-CCA's suit against his posting of [4]DeCSS in relation to the
    development of the [5]LiViD DVD player for open operating systems.
    What's surprising? It's surprising that they held that his posting of
    DeCSS was not actionable... (however the use of the program by users to
    circumvent CSS [6]could be under the DMCA)." 
    0. http://astron.berkeley.edu/~jhall
    1. http://www.courtinfo.ca.gov/courts/supreme/
    2. http://www.courtinfo.ca.gov/opinions/documents/S100809.PDF
    3. http://cryptome.org/dvd-v-521-mpq.htm
    4. http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/DeCSS/Gallery/index.html
    5. http://www.linuxvideo.org/
    6. http://www.sims.berkeley.edu/~pam/papers/Samuelson_IP_dig_eco_htm.htm

Martin Schulze Steps Down As SPI Vice President

    Tina Gasperson reports on NewsForge that Martin Schulze, Vice President
    of Software in the Public Interest, [0]is resigning his position there
    to protest the lack of time he says fellow SPI higher-ups are devoting
    to the organization. Since SPI serves as a coordinating body for
    several large-scale Free software projects (like GNOME and
    OpenOffice.org), discord there should concern a lot of people. Update:
    11/26 03:14 GMT by [1]T: That should read "OpenSource.org," not
    "OpenOffice.org." Sorry. 
    0. http://newsforge.com/newsforge/02/11/25/1419208.shtml?tid=51
    1. http://www.monkey.org/~timothy/

Spielberg to Produce Live-Action Tintin Movie(s)

    [0]jtauber writes "Looks like the Adventures of Tintin may be the next
    series of books to be turned into a film franchise with Spielberg in
    talks to acquire the rights. See [1]the Marlinspike for more
    information." Tintin was one of my favorite "book" type comics growing
    up - and they've released [2]collections. 
    0. http://jtauber.com/
    1. http://www.marlinspike.org/

Slashback: Salon, Privacy, Pricedrops

    Slashback with more on Salon's struggle to balance ads and
    subscriptions, online retailers versus online bargain hunters, the
    not-at-all-secret government proposal to obtain "Total Information
    Awareness" (including information about you), and more. 

Massive Two Towers Battle

    [0]ShadowLight writes ""In December vast hordes of eager filmgoers will
    mob cineplexes across the land and witness, at the climax of The Two
    Towers, one of the most anticipated scenes in recent movie history: the
    great Battle of Helm's Deep." This [1]article talks about the software,
    named Massive, used to create this 50,000 creature battle." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.popsci.com/popsci/science/article/0,12543,390918-1,00.html

BBS Links Database Back Online

    [0]leviathan writes "After being down for almost a year, the original
    [1]BBS Links Database is back in action. Started back in 1999, almost a
    third of the original entries have been pruned out, and others are in
    dire need of updating. If you run a BBS related web site, please help
    us out by adding it to the database, or updating your existing
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.darktech.org/links

Virtual Simerica

    Disoriented writes "A Time article speculates on [0]where the Sims
    Online is going. Interesting and scary to see what America would be
    like without our inhibitions." I've played a lot of the playtest, and
    can't wait for the final version to come out. 
    0. http://www.time.com/time/sampler/article/0,8599,391544,00.html?cnn=yes

C++ Elliptic Curve Cryptography library 0.4.0 (Development)

    Libecc is a C++ elliptic curve cryptography library that supports
    fixed-size keys for maximum speed. The goal of this project is to
    become the first free Open Source library providing the means to
    generate safe elliptic curves, and to provide an important source of
    information for anyone with general interest in ECC. 

Crypt Class 1.1 

    Crypt Class is a wrapper around the libmcrypt functions that offers a
    simplified interface and new features such as embedded IV. It provides
    an easy way to encrypt and decrypt data, and automatically creates and
    extracts IVs, storing them along with the encrypted string. It supports
    all of the ciphers in libmcrypt, including Twofish, Blowfish, and AES,
    and makes it easy to switch between them. 

Directory administrator 1.2 (Stable)

    Directory administrator is a UNIX users and groups manager for LDAP
    directory servers. It also allows you to manage your users' associated
    address book information, per-server access controls, and Sendmail mail
    routing. Its virtues are simplicity and user friendliness. 

Dummynet 3.4-STABLE 

    Dummynet is a flexible tool originally designed for testing networking
    protocols, and since then (mis) used for bandwidth management. It
    simulates/enforces queue and bandwidth limitations, delays, packet
    losses, and multipath effects. It also implements a variant of Weighted
    Fair Queueing called WF2Q+. It can be used on user's workstations, or
    on FreeBSD machines acting as routers or bridges. 

EXIF-O-Matic 1.0 

    EXIF-O-Matic is a Java application that allows EXIF information tags
    within the images created by digital cameras to be viewed and exported
    to HTML or text. It is capable of processing folders of images. 

FX-Zacman 0.7 

    FX-Zacman is a maze game similar to Pacman. It uses the portable FOX
    Toolkit library. 


    geskoctrl is an application to download/upload firmware for GESKO
    PBXes. geskoctrl is also useful for controlling these PBXes. 

GIMP Text Colorer 1.0.3 

    GIMP Text Colorer is a GIMP plug-in that converts an image and the
    desired source text into colored HTML/XHTML text. 

googleware 1.5 

    Googleware is a little Web application that let you request for several
    queries to be regulary asked to Google. You will be notified by mail
    each time a new entry is found, and you may browse query results with
    any regular Web browser. 

HTML Forms generation and validation 2002.11.19 

    HTML Forms generation and validation is a PHP class that generates HTML
    forms supporting keyboard navigation, server side and client side field
    validation, the ability to stop the user from submiting a form more
    than once, sub-form validation, composition and generation of the HTML
    output with fields displayed as fully accessible or in read-only mode,
    generation of Javascript field related functions, and automatic
    capitalization of the text of a field. 

iptacct 0.04 

    iptacct is an iptables/netfilter accounting tool written in perl. It
    uses an XML configuration file and stores the data in a completely
    user-configurable, modular way. You can use any backend you want to use
    in order to store the data, instead of being forced by the software to
    save the accounting data in a SQL database, a text file, or an RRD

irssi 0.8.6 

    Irssi is a modular IRC client with Perl scripting. Only text-mode
    frontend is currently supported. The GTK/GNOME frontend is no longer
    being maintained. 

Jaffm 0.4.8 

    Jaffm is a lightweight wxWindows (GTK+ interface) file manager for
    Unix, written in C++. It is aimed at nonsense-free file management. It
    is mostly inspired by the List View in Mac OS Finder, but does and will
    have Unix-handy features such as instant command execution, an
    interactive location bar, and a simple but elegant user interface. 

Jconsole 1.31 

    Jconsole is a JMX console for JBoss that provides a pre-built Web
    client for the JBoss application server. It deploys the JMX features of

JGraph 1.0.6 (For Java 1.4)

    JGraph is a robust and complete graph component that is better than
    many of its commercial competitors. With the JGraph zoomable component,
    you can display objects and relations (networks) in any Swing UI. It
    can also be used on the server-side to read an GXL graph, apply a
    custom layout algorithm, and return the result as an SVG image. 

kavi2svcd 0.5.1 

    kavi2svcd is a GUI for generating MPEG files from an AVI file using
    transcode and mplex. It then generates a Video CD image using vcdimager
    and burns to CD with cdrdao. It can generate m1v, m2v, and mpa files,
    multiplex the MPEG file, generate cue and bin files, and allows the
    generated command lines to be edited before executing them. 

kmuser 1.2 (Stable)

    kmuser is a User-Administration-Tool for the KDE-Desktop. It is
    designed for administrating a school network. Therefore it has built in
    a lot of useful features to manage many users and groups of users. If
    the quota filesystem is installed on your system managing of user
    quotas is supported as well. 

libbadpenguin 1.0.6 

    libbadpenguin is a small static library used in many utilities that are
    part of the "Bad Penguin" GNU/Linux distribution. It provides
    functions to manage the filesystem, doubly-linked lists (chains), the
    terminal (cursor and color), and to handle TAR archives. The goal of
    libbadpenguin is to speed up the development of console tools and
    utilities without requiring big static libraries such as 'ncurses' or
    'GNU glib'. It is intended to be as small as possibile in order to be
    linked statically to avoid dependency problems. 

libCapsiNetwork 0.2.3 (Development)

    libCapsiNetwork is a C++ network library for fast development of server
    daemons. Creating a server daemon is as easy as adding a few lines of
    code and writing a handler function for input events. 

libgringo and gringosh 3.1.0 

    libgringo and gringosh is a library to writes applications that run
    both in console (using ncurses) and under X-Window (using gtk).
    libgringo detects if you are running from the console or under
    X-Window, and selects the right library to use without recompiling your
    code. gringosh is a parser that uses libgringo to replace cdialog. It
    was written to make some configuration scripts work both in console and
    under X-Window without any modification. gringosh also provides
    features more powerfull than cdialog - for example, the ability to have
    more than two buttons per form. 

libhardware and scanmodule 0.7.1 

    libhardware is a very small static library used in many utilities that
    are part of Antonio Gallo's (AGX) GNU/Linux distribution, "Bad
    Penguin". It provides functions to access information about your
    system hardware, to detect the hardware, and to handle kernel modules
    automatically. It is able to enumerate all PCI devices, enumerate all
    EIDE disks and CDROMs, enumerate all SCSI disks and CDROMs, enumerate
    all EIDE/SCSI disk partitions, and check if a detected device is
    supported in the Linux kernel using a custom PCI database. The included
    shell scripts 'probedisk' and 'probepart' detect disks, CDROMs, and
    partitions. The included 'scanmodule' utility allows you to detect and
    load kernel module automatically. 

LibTPT 1.10.3 (Release)

    TPT is a template scripting language implemented in C++. The LibTPT
    parser transforms TPT templates into text. The parser, which integrates
    with your C++ code through a simple class API, is small and fast,
    focusing on functionality instead of rich feature sets. Uses include
    on-the-fly HTML and source code generation. 

Linux Intrusion Detection System 2.0.1 for 2.5.47 (LSM)

    The Linux Intrusion Detection System (LIDS) is a patch which enhances
    the kernel's security by implementing a reference monitor and Mandatory
    Access Control (MAC). When it is in effect, chosen file access, all
    system/network administration operations, any capability use, raw
    device, memory, and I/O access can be made impossible even for root.
    You can define which programs can access specific files. It uses and
    extends the system capabilities bounding set to control the whole
    system and adds some network and filesystem security features to the
    kernel to enhance the security. You can finely tune the security
    protections online, hide sensitive processes, receive security alerts
    through the network, and more. 

mod_authenticache 2.0.6 

    mod_authenticache provides a simple and generic method for caching
    authentication information on the client side in order to enhance
    performance. It has been tested with several Basic HTTP authentication
    modules, and has an Apache 2.0.x optional function exporter for caching
    credentials from any custom authentication module. 

NeoStats 2.5.0 RC2 

    NeoStats provides unique services to IRC via loadable modules. It does
    not provide the traditional NickServ/ChanServ services, but instead
    provides services like "HostServ", which can automatically
    set a user's virtual host upon logging onto a IRC network, or
    "StatServ", which can provide detailed statistics about the
    network, individual servers, or channels, and produce an HTML page. It
    also includes a number of "Fun" services, like
    "LoveServ" and "MoraleServ". Additional modules are
    available via the NeoStats Web site or through third party developers.
    Currently, NeoStats supports UnrealIRCd, UltimateIRCD, Hybrid7, and
    NeoIRCd, with more IRCD support being developed. 

Open Proxy Scanning Bot 1.0RC3 (Stable)

    open proxy scanning bot (formerly NeoBOPM) is a loadable module for the
    NeoStats IRC Services. It scans clients connecting to the IRC network
    for insecure proxies, and also looks up a DNS blacklist for previously
    registered insecure proxies. It caches the results of scans to increase
    perfomance, and with multiple bots, can be configured to load
    balancing. It currently supports Hybrid7, Unrealircd, and Ultimate,
    with support for other ircds planned. 

OpenSSL 0.9.7 Beta 4 (Beta)

    The OpenSSL Project is a collaborative effort to develop a robust,
    commercial-grade, fully featured, and Open Source toolkit implementing
    the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL v2/v3) and Transport Layer Security (TLS
    v1) as well as a full-strength general-purpose cryptography library. 

Paketto Keiretsu 1.0 

    The Paketto Keiretsu is a collection of tools that use new and unusual
    strategies for manipulating TCP/IP networks. They tap functionality
    within existing infrastructure and stretch protocols beyond what they
    were originally intended for. It includes Scanrand, an unusually fast
    network service and topology discovery system, Minewt, a user space
    NAT/MAT router, linkcat, which presents a Ethernet link to stdio,
    Paratrace, which traces network paths without spawning new connections,
    and Phentropy, which uses OpenQVIS to render arbitrary amounts of
    entropy from data sources in three dimensional phase space. 

Pixory Beta-1.15 (Stable)

    Pixory is a "personal image server". It allows you to store
    your photos on your own PC and access them, compose them into albums,
    and share them anywhere on the Internet. It presents a standard Web
    interface through which you can browse and organize your photos. All
    user-entered album data is stored in XML. Pixory displays image
    metadata such as the EXIF information embedded in image files by most
    digital cameras and scanners. 

PXES Linux Thin Client 0.5.1-9 

    PXES is a micro Linux distribution for thin clients that converts any
    suitable machine into a versatile thin client within minutes. It can
    access XDM servers presenting a graphical login screen, Microsoft
    Terminal Servers, Citrix ICA, and VNC servers. A graphical
    configuration tool allows parameters such as the server to be set.
    Local devices can be accessed, including sound, printers, and disks. It
    boots on a variety of hardware, and does not require NFS. 

Q 4.1.1 

    Q is a powerful and extensible functional programming language based on
    the term rewriting calculus. When programming with Q, you specify an
    arbitrary system of equations which the interpreter uses as rewrite
    rules to reduce expressions to normal form. Q is useful for scientific
    programming and other advanced applications, and also as a
    sophisticated kind of desktop calculator. The distribution includes the
    Q programming tools, a standard library, add-on modules for interfacing
    to GNU Octave, Tcl/Tk and IBM's Data Explorer, and an Emacs mode. 

RAdmin 1.7 

    RAdmin is a Web-based Radius user administration package that works
    with Radiator and any SQL database on any platform. It provides pages
    that allow you to add/change/remove users, and to view usage summaries,
    online modems, service profiles, per-user and per-service Radius check
    and reply items, and more. The pages available to end users provide
    usage summaries and facilitate password changing. 

Ragel State Machine Compiler 1.4.0 

    Ragel compiles finite state machines from regular languages into
    runnable C code. It allows you to embed actions at any point in your
    regular language and to control the non-determinism in the resulting
    machines. It understands concatenation, union (the "or"
    operator), kleene star, subtraction, and intersection, as well as some
    helpers like "!", "?" and "+". Ragel's
    finite state machines are closed under all of its operators. This
    property allows for arbitrary regular lanuages to be described. It can
    be used to create a parser for any language that is regular. 

rpm-update 2002-10-19 (Stable)

    rpm-update is a Python script that automates the downloading,
    reporting, and installation of errata RPMs on a RedHat Linux
    distribution. The goal of the utility is to be simple and transparent
    (making it clear what it is doing) while still being easy to use. It
    can be automated (via cron) or run interactively via the command line.
    A configuration file is used to store commonly used options. 

ServletSurvey 3.0 

    Survey is a Web-based survey program that uses XML files to describe
    surveys. It provides a friendly and powerful user interface without
    requiring cookies or JavaScript, and a powerful rule system for
    controlling user movement through the survey and conditional question
    requirements. Answers are recorded in a database and can be exported to
    CSV and HTML. 

Share360 by Cybozu 2.0 

    Share360 by Cybozu is an instant, cost-effective Web-based groupware
    suite integrating a customizable intranet portal page with key
    collaborative applications including document management, project
    management, contact databases, a group scheduler, a bulletin board, a
    to-do list, and Web-based email. A 60-day free trial download is

shorten 3.5.0 

    shorten is a lossy/lossless audio compressor. 

sqlopus 3.1.1 

    sqlopus is a Web interface for controlling up to 20 database servers.
    It features total user and group management, server monitoring, and
    scheduled generation of HTML, PDF, Excel, CSV, and XML reports. Reports
    can be shared to other users within the same group or made publicly
    visible, and can contain exceptionally advanced database diagrams. It
    also supports "locked down" servers, large binary objects,
    image thumbnails, remote backups, and overridable styles. 

STPHPLibrary 0.8.0 (Development)

    STPHPLib is a suite of software components for developing object
    oriented Web-based applications. It uses PHP objects to encapsulate
    common GUI controls such as the check box, radio button, and tool bars,
    which are not necessarily present in HTML language, and allows them to
    be used to create sophisticated Web applications. 

Tnefclean 1.2 

    tnefclean is a Perl script that allows users of any mail client to
    receive email and attachments from MS Outlook and Exchange users
    without having to decode winmail.dat files. Email is disassembled and
    reassembled on the fly to make them conform more closely to accepted

XChat-XMMS 0.7 

    XChat-XMMS allows XMMS to be controlled from within XChat. It can send
    out messages to channels or other IRC users, and supports searching
    playlists with Perl regular expresions, DCC transfers, understands MP3
    and Ogg-Vorbis tags, caches playlists for quick searches, and allows
    remote playlist browsing via /msg. It also supports auto- messages and

What exactly is isolation mode for?

    Each section has an isolation mode property, that determines (I think)
    wether or not sories from that section will be displayed on the front
    page or not. In addition, each story has it's own DisplayMode property,
    that, in effect, does the same thing. Which takes precedence? If Slash
    always uses the individual story's displaymode to determine whether to
    display the story, what's the point of the section-level isolation

Restricting Article Access?

    I've just started up a new slash site, however one feature that I would
    like, which doesn't seem to exist, is the ability to restrict users
    from reading certain stories. I know this seems counter-productive,
    however I have a valid reason. Namely that I have a subset of users who
    have more privileges, and thus stuff applies to them that wouldn't
    apply to regular users. It seems like the concept of a "security
    level", which users have, might be an ideal way to restrict Article
    viewing. I'm sure I can kludge something myself, but if there's already
    a supported/good way to do this, then that would be great. 

How to kickstart meta-moderation?

    I have a small slash site with a small number of users (by design) with
    a few dozen stories and probably fewer than 200 comments posted so far.
    The slash engine is handing out moderation points, perhaps because I
    reset some of the configuration variables. But meta-moderation is not
    operating.I recall that this has something to do with the number of
    moderations (I'd look in the archives but the search function on
    slashcode has been down for a while...). Unfortunately, I have one user
    who could stand some meta-moderation NOW, before he drives other users
    away with his down-mods. Yet I don't see any configuration variables or
    anything else I can tweak to make meta-moderation start up. I would
    rather the enforcement of community standards come from the community
    rather than some heavy-handed act by the site administration. Any way
    to force meta-moderation on? 

Show Domains: Explain, please.

    On the user comments options page, an option exists to "Show the links
    domain only in recommended situations". What are the "recommended
    situations", exactly? How does this differ from the option to "Always
    show link domains"? 

Upgrading to MySQL 4?

    In order to support some other projects I need to roll out on my
    server, I need to upgrade to a real ACID database, which supports
    transactions. Has anybody yet tried using Slash running on MySQL 4.0,
    which now supports transactions? Are there any caevats or tricks to
    doing the switchover, beyond the general upgrade notes for MySQL? 

Slash plugins and version 2.3

    I've been looking at a lot of modules (specifically email.pm and
    Galleria), and it appears that they all require Slash version 2.3. Is
    upgrading from 2.2.6 to one of the 2.3 versions dangerous? Is it as
    simple as compiling and installing? Are there places to get these
    plugins written for the release version of Slash? Or am I being a

How to Make Users Authors?

    What is the proper way to turn users into authors? I'm interested in
    this because I would like to use Slash as something my group uses to
    communicate with each other and the world. I would like the people in
    the group to function as the authors since it is their site. I've been
    looking around in documentation and FAQs but can't find this documented

SubnetID is masked using what?

    When Slash stores the SubnetID in the database, what Subnet mask is it
    using? I was hoping to find this in the vars table, but no luck. Any


    It's still in development for other things, but vorlonspace.org is now
    up and running (for the most part). Thanks to the guys on the irc
    channel that helped me with some of the configuration issues I had.
    This site is going to be a nexus of Babylon 5 information stemming from
    the television show to the out of print customizable card game. 


    I have a new site up and running, not Much in the way of content but I
    do have some information about one of my projects up at this point.

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Insider's Guide Instant Win Tickets by Don D. Basina (Trade Paper)

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